Chapter 98: Student

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Alexander waited patiently for a reply from his father. He would sent a letter since they'd be late due to a storm.

Things were difficult. He had told Tom everything and he wanted his opinion first. It sounded right since he too had once been a power hungry villain. 

Tom had told you of Gellert's proposal and you had been against it, you knew that Grindelwald was stronger than her, Tom and Alexander combined. It was true that he could teach Alexander a lot... but was it worth risking your son's and everyone's life? No, by all means no.

Alexander however insisted that if he did learn from Gellert he could protect his family, his friends and most importantly... he could ensure that a tragedy like that Albus Dumbledore faced wouldn't repeat itself.

Tom honestly wasn't fond of the idea either even though he understood his son more on that matter. If Gellert had asked him to become his student in the past he probably would have agreed and then killed the man, now... now he wasn't sure he would have agreed so easily.

Harry was also aware of what had occured and he was trying to think of a solution along with Alexander.

"You want him to teach you?"

"As long as my father is around us. Even if we are not stong enough to defeat him then to at least weaken him."

"But Alex, he is the strongest dark wizard ever known... what if it's a trap."

"It isn't. He probably doesn't like the idea of his knowledge not surviving the passage of time."

"Maybe. But we cannot be sure."

"I can. I talked to him about Dumbledore, he seemed sad. I believe he plans to help me to atone for his past misdeeds."

"They were friends after all." Harry agreed but Alexander was suspecting that it wasn't just friendship... but genuine love that connected these two. That was certainely why now, Gellert wanted what he and Albus created to survive even if changed slightly.

"I will accept him as a mentor, however his ideology will not be passed down the way he might want."

Before Harry could speak, a letter arrived. It was from Tom and both boys were unsure what the answer would be.

"You want me to open it?" Harry asked but Alexander shook his head. He slowly opened the envelope and began reading.

My son.

After much thinking I decided to help you learn from Gellert Grindelwald but only as long as it is under my and your mother's watch. Every Death Eater will be around, including Fenfir and his werewolves to ensure that nothing happens to you. 

Your mother is still not willing to accept Grindelwalds offer but I am convincing her little by little. Tonight we will be home and we can talk about this matter in detail.

I hope you and your siblings are safe and well.


Your father.

"Well... seems like it's two against one." Alexander mumbled and Harry sighed.

"I don't want (Name) to worry so much."

"Neither do I but... this might be the only way to ensure that no one gets hurt again. I care about all of you guys and I want to be of use to everyone. I don't want you people to lose those you love because of another madman that might rise out of nowhere."

"And what about everyone else?"

"Hermione and Ron will freak out, Neville might pass out at the news, Luna might let this slide and Draco might ask me to bring him along."

"And your mother's friends?"

"They will probably scold me and my dad for having this idea in the first place."

The two kept talking about it and after a while they stopped since they had class to attend to.

Meanwhile you were sitting on Tom's lap while he desperately tried to assure you that nothing bad will happen.

"My love, you know I would never agree to something unless I was sure that it was safe."

"Gellert Grindelwald is the definition of danger, and you want me to send my son to him. If that's not a death sentence, then what is?"

"Sending him to where the dementors are."

"That would have been worse than death."

"Well, Gellert Grindelwald might help him avoid death much better than any plan I could come up with."

"Tom, you found a spell to reverse time on our bodies but leaving our minds intact, I think you did something Gellert wouldn't do."

"Because he never cared about immortality like I did. And besides, with the surprise resting in your womb we don't want things to take a turn for the worst."

"Then Alexander is not going to Gellert Grindelwald as a student."

"(Name), our son feels like he is not doing enough, he worries about us and he fears we might get hurt. He blames himself for things that are beyond his control. Maybe that will ease some of his worries... maybe then, he will stop blaming himself for everything." 

"But Tom!"

"He wants to do something for you, me and our family.  He wants to avoid having someone like me coming along and ruin everything. In the past I was a monster and maybe there will be someone like that in the future... and our son doesn't want this to happen and have the people he cares for dissapear. Do you really want him to go through that again?"

"Of course not!"

"Then let him do it. I will be there, by his side and defend him till my last breath should Gellert decide to harm him. You know that I would kill to protect all of you." 

"I know... but Tom... I don't want our baby to get hurt."

"If we don't let him do it, he might get hurt in the future... and by then it might also be too late."

You stayed silent for a while, letting Tom rub your back and kiss your hand lovingly... how could you let Alexander near such a dangerous man... but if you didn't... then what?

"The old lair."

"The lair?"

"Before going to Malfoy Mansion you had a lair where you took me, Hogwarts wasn't all that far...I want the training to happen there, I want to be close enough should anything happen."

"I can connect the Chamber of Secrets with it... that way you can get there even faster."

"Very well... I will trust you both... and I hope that our son will be a good student and won't end up like his mentor."

"He wouldn't be our son if he did. Right?"

"Yeah." You responded with a small smile, you trusted your son... he wouldn't be like Gellert Grindelwald... he certainely wouldn't.

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