Chapter 65: Rushing into action.

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Things weren't looking up for Alexander, Harry and their friends, Umbridge had discovered them and had taken it upon herself to both summon the minister at once and question every student, unaware that Draco Malfoy and Alexander worked together to make her plan a big flat failure. 

Both boys had went from friends, to partners in crime. Draco entered Snape's lab and reduced any ingredient that could have been used to draw the truth out of anyone. So when the minister came and confronted Dumbledore, leading to the former headmaster's epic exit, he had no real proof that something was indeed up against the ministry. 

At the same time, Voldemort had kept an eye on both you and Alexander, each day that passed made him think more about sparing the Harry Potter, you had raised Potter, you had taught him and loved him... just like you had done with Alexander. As much as he hated the idea of allowing the only person that could end him live... he was almost certain it'd help him with you, still he had said nothing to his underlings. He didn't see the need yet.

"My lord, that woman discovered what those students under Potter and your son were doing. She took them all and questioned them, even going so far as to threaten to use the Cruciatus curse after running out of truth syrum. Dumbledore has disappeared after confronted by the minister and Umbridge has taken the position of headmistress." Lucius reported, reading a letter sent to him by Draco, a girl had betrayed them and said everything to Umbridge, she did it because she believed the ministry was right and because Alexander rejected her advances, telling her that he was in love with Luna. He thought it was amazing that so much drama could happen in one day alone.

"That thing dared to raise a hand against my son?!" Voldemort growled and Lucius bowed.

"Yes sir, although I am not sure she'd go through with it... she did indeed threaten young master Alexander." He replied and Voldemort decided to act, he had been looking for the prophecy involving him and Harry and wanted to see if he could use his power to alter it, freeing himself and the boy from that fate... he'd have to enter the ministry and he wasn't sure he wanted to reveal himself just yet. That still didn't mean he couldn't have his followers reveal that the Death Eaters were still active and strong.

"I have a small idea, something that will make the ministry tremble with fear." He stated and Lucius nodded.

"Whatever it is that you demand, it shall be done."

"Good, because you're going to lead that mission and I expect results." Voldemort ordered in a cold tone.

 Meanwhile you had been in a really tough position, in one hand you wanted to go to Hogwarts and use every hex and curse on Umbridge and take out some of your boiling anger... on the other hand your sister was currently giving birth and leaving her side didn't seem like a good idea. 

"AAAAHHH!!!" She screamed, pushing for one more time, apparently her baby was coming with its feet instead of the head, like it was supposed to. Sirius had disguised himself as a dog, and was inside the room, barking all the time and whimpering like a baby... it was both hillarious and reassuring. 

"One more push and we're done, lady Kathrine, one more push!" The doctor assured and your sister screamed as she pushed... which was a relief because at the same time the cry of a baby echoed.

"What is it?" You asked and the doctor looked at Kathrine.

"It's a girl." He nnounced, Kathrine was about smile when suddenly she screamed again, the doctor came closer and gasped.

"What wrong?!" You demanded to know.

"We have two babies!!!" He exclaimed and all of a sudden... the barking stopped, you looked down and saw Sirius passed out... you could help but giggle, this was seriously amusing. You took him out of the room, telling Olga, Jenny and Anne to stay near Kathrine as you took Sirius to a different room and helped him regain his senses, he turned back to a human and began walking back and forth.

"I think I'm going to go mad!"

"Oh come on! You endured the Dementors, two babies are no big deal!"

"That's not it! I mean that I can't believe how happy I am! Two children and a woman that loves me back... it seems sureal."

"Nonsense, now turn back to a dog, Kathrine needs you. She needs to know you're there for her, supporting her... and since being a dog is the only way you can go anywhere these days, you don't have much of a choice." You replied and he nodded, before turning back into a dog. The two of you came back just as the second baby came out. 

"Another girl!" The doctor said and finally, Kathrine fell back, gasping for air. Sirius went near her and nudged her hand, Kathrine turned and looked at him with a smile, she slowly leaned towards him and kissed his head.

"Finally." She responded in a low, gentle tone.

"By the way, I haven't seen the father, where is he?" The doctor asked and you sighed, looking at your hands. You had to say something!

"He's far too sick to come, he can barely get out of the bed these days." You lied and the doctor nodded.

"I see, well if he gets better he should come and see them, they are all amazing." He commented, soon Jenny came in with both girls clean and wrapped in two pink blankets.

"Here we go." She mumbled and handed the girls over to their mother.

"Well, now that this is settled... we can go home." She stated and the doctor sighed.

"I'd like to object... but if you insist, okay. However you must spend the next week resting, your body needs time to recuperate." He instructed and Kathrine nodded, the Weasley's offered their flying car to take you back and you took them up on the offer, thanking them with two big sacks of gold despite them protesting. 

Upon reaching home, you received a message from Hermione in which she explained that the ministry had taken over and Dumbledore had disappeared, news that Umbridge was principal made your blood boil and even more so when she tried to, once again, try to learn why exactly they created Dumbledore's army, not believing it was only for educational purposes. 

You sent a message to Alexander along with pictures of his aunt and cousins and a letter to Fudge in which you openly threatened to demand the ministry to pay in gold all the help that you had given them, the number went over two billion and since you also threatened to expose secrets that were classified... well, things didn't go the minister's way. 

However, before he had the chance to remove her, Hermione tricked Umbridge and led her to the forest where she was attacked and taken by centaurs after she foolishly went ahead and attacked them. To say you were pleased was an understatement, still you weren't aware that as you were sending a letter about the twins... Harry and all of his friends were heading to the ministry, lured by an illusion created by Voldemort, where Sirius was being tortured... the urgency of that plan of his and the need for it to be executed was clear, Voldemort knew his son would go with Harry... and if things went his way... then he was going to become minister and his family would be superior to all others... and anyone who ever did anything to upset them would suffer so much, they'd beg him to let the Dementors take over instead of him.

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