Chapter 12: Confession.

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You had been staying in your room as of late, the holidays were almost over and you hadn't confessed to William yet. 

You chickened out when he spoke about how beautifull a girl from his dorm was, it was rare for him to comment a girl and that made you nervous. 

You wished to know who she was and if you were indeed inferior to that girl... however, you mostly wished to learn if she was a person who despite being in Gryffindor held a kind and caring heart. 

With Hepzibah's death, your parents had asked both you and Tom to stay indoors since there was generally great commotion. Tom was surprisingly obedient and agreed... it made you wonder if he had a different reason to be so easy going.

"Maybe I'm just overthinking all of this." You murmured, you recalled that in his letters Tom had spoke of world domination and becoming the most powerfull wizard of all, you believed he spoke about being the next minister and thus gaining control over others which was horryfying in it's own way... but he always seemed to be far too sadistic and cruel to aim for a position that would force him to take the opinions of others into consideration.

 "Maybe you are indeed." A voice agreed, you looked back and saw Tom leaning on the doorframe, eyes glued on you and a smirk on his face.

"What do you want now?" You asked annoyed, turning to fully face him. He came closer slowly, each step seemed to hint his intentions... though you missed the details, there was a clear message behind it all, he was up to no good and he simply wished to involve you. 

"I believe it is time for me to take the next step with our situation." He purred, his smirk turned into a sadistic grin as he saw your stubborn desire to not show fear. To his eyes it was a very tempting challenge, to make you beg and fear him... but he thought how tempting it'd be for you to beg for his affection. To fall on your knees crying, begging and acting irrationally just to earn his gaze.

"If by that you mean, taking your things and leaving my house then by all means, you are free to do so." You hissed and he chuckled, would you really be as fiesty after you were no longer a virgin? 

His right hand caught yours and he slowly pulled you closer, wrapping his left hand around your waist, his lips were on yours within seconds...demanding a response from both your lips and your body equally. You tried to push him away but he only moved forward, forcing you to in turn walk backwards until you both fell on your bed, with him on top of you. 

He broke from the kiss and looked at you, for the first time you felt that you were able to have a good look at him. He was truly handsome, his looks would win any woman in a heartbeat and the fact that he had proved to be a smooth talker and act like a gentleman would fool anyone. Well, almost... there were exceptions such as you, Dumbledore and your friends. No one else seemed to see past his charming smile and fake politeness, no one saw the darkness and cruel nature he had so well hid behind a mask of a perfect student.

"I warned you before (Name)... but you simply do not listen to reason, maybe you will listen to me if I use a more... direct method." He murmured, gently rubbing your belly with the hand that once kept your waist closer to his body. 

Realizing the meaning of those words, you hissed and attempted to slap him, which failed miserably. However salvation did come and you vowed never to forget the wave of relief that showered you that moment.

"Lady (Name), a teacher from your school wishes to speak with you!" Olga's voice echoed through the hall along with the happy giggles of your baby sister. 

Tom growled and it was clear he considered not to let you go, his hold became weaker for two seconds... which was more than enough for you to push him away and stand up, leaving quickly and heading downstairs passing past Olga without saying anything. As you entered the living room you saw your father talking with Dumbledore, both seemed happy to speak with each other. When Dumbledore took notice of you he asked your father to leave you two alone to speak, your father complied and left giving you a proud smile. 

"Good afternoon professor."

"Good afternoon, (Name). How have you been?" He asked in a warm tone.

"I am doing fine, thank you." You responded and offered him a seat. The two of you began talking about your time away from school... were, you mostly talked. Dumbledore nodded, listening to you carefully and noting how you expressed your happy memories from the sleepover at Xavier's.

"And... Tom?" He asked and your happiness vanished with seconds.

"He hasn't been all that much trouble... till now." You admitted and that made him frown as well.

"What happened?" He inquired and you spoke truthfully to him, explaining everything and even told him about the incident mintues ago.

"And that is all." You comcluded and the older wizard sighed.

"I can't really know what he is thinking, he is talented... but he also has a natural love for disaster, pain and cruelty... from the moment I first met him, he was different from any other child I have seen so far."

"If so... why is he so focused on me?"

"Was I not clear earlier?" A third voice joined you, turning towards the door you saw Tom looking at you calmly... too calmly.

"Tom." Dumbledore called out and stood up, he gave you one look of worry but you decided to face him on your own. You stood up and took Tom to the dinning hall to have some privacy, there you gave him a harsh glare.

"Were you eavesdropping?" You hissed, Tom scoffed at that.

"No. But I did hear that last question you made."

"I see, well then.... that's fine." You murmured and turned around, however his hand got yours before you could take even a single step away from him.

"(Name)... you need to know something important." He stated, his tone still calm.

"What is it?" You asked, not looking at him. You only stared at the door, ready for everything.

 Except for his next words.

"I love you." 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now