Chapter 31: Bravery.

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Once the students had all gone back to their dorms you asked Xavier if he could pull some strings and get the young girl named Jane out of the nightmare her own family had sentenced her. 

He said that the minister owed him a favor after he helped him in a case that could have turned out to be a scandal had he stayed quiet. Jenny also decided to enter the school as a nurse and keep an eye on the students that way, meaning you had someone to talk to when you had time. 

After all that was cleared, you patrolled the hallways one last time in case any students wanted to have some fun at this hour before going to your bedroom... you recalled that there was a pair of twins that always had a plan for the sake of causing mischief and despite the fact that you found them amusing at times, you had taken them to the headmasters office once or twice, literally as you mostly covered up for them... seing such lively spirits made you happy and you wished to preserve and encourage such students, which in turn made you well liked my the majority of the students. 

As you changed to a nightgown you placed Tom's diary on your desk, wondering why Tom would want you to have his diary... maybe because he had read yours years ago? You sighed and went to bed, giving a last glance to the diary, you closed your eyes, gradually allowing your body to relax.

Your calm and relaxed state however changed when you opened them again, you were in the corridors of Hogwarts... looking down at yourself you saw the uniform of Ravenclaw, you left a sigh of relief when you realized it was only a dream.

"Hello, my dear." A voice greeted in a dark, sickly sweet yet eerie tone you knew all too well. You turned around and came face to face with the one and only Tom Riddle, his teenage self looking in your eyes adoringly.

"Why am I dreaming of you?" You asked darkly and confused, he was the last thing you wanted to see in your sleep.

"Maybe because that heart of yours isn't all that honest... I can tell that you missed me." He purrwd and leaned forward taking your lips as he caressed your cheeks. You were about to move but found your body too heavy to do so... Tom chuckled and looked at you, his gaze held the same dark and sadistic glint you remembered all too well.

"Get out of my head, I don't want you anywhere near me." You hissed and he laughed at that, bringing your form closer to his in a firm hug.

"I must say, I missed your fiery temper... it's really lonely here..."

"You never had a problem being alone before... I doubt that now things are any different."

"Don't be so cruel (Name), I've always been after you... I've always craved you... needed you... but you never wished to be loved by me." He said bitterly, for a brief moment you felt pity for him... you would never forgive him for his crimes but even he wanted to love and be loved... but unfortunately, you weren't the person that could give him that.

"I have others who love me... and you had too Tom, you just never appreciated them." You argued and he frowned.

"You and everybody else differ, you're special... you're stronger, prettier, smarter than any girl I can think of. Your light drew me to you... and even now I only wish to be close to you, just like this." He whispered as he rubbed his face on your head, taking in your scent while holding your form as close to him as possible... Tom was honest about his love, that much you knew... you could feel it, yet you couldn't give him what he wanted.

"Leave me alone Tom, I don't want to be with you. I never did." You declaired sternly and he sighed.

"Only for tonight (Name), you can be sure that I'll come to you again." He replied and in an instant everything turned black before you finally woke up. You placed your hand over your eyes as you breathed, trying to simply calm down... he wasn't going to give up, he didn't want to give up. And that was only a dream!

And that went on for three days straight, you would fall asleep, he'd appear in your dreams, giving you his undivided and clearly unwanted attention. And as much as you hated, you had no way to stop it... but someone else decided to see what was clearly tormenting your mind like this. And there was one item that could do just that.


 You were in a state of panic... someone took Tom's diary from your room... someone had a horcrux near them and knowing the owner of that thing, he wouldn't hesitate to harm them... but what frightened you was what would happen if the one who had it was Alexander, to this day the Dark Lord didn't know he had a son with you... and you were scared of what he would tell to Alexander if he found out. And with the House Cup taking place your nerves were at their peak

Unfrotunately for you the one who had the diary was indeed your son, because of Lucius Malfoy and his plans to create a new dark lord, your son now possessed an item that could by all means destroy him. 

However the fragment of Tom's soul inside the diary was now aware that he had a son with you and wanted to keep the boy safe... after all this child came from you and he would never harm you or anything you created. 

Alexander on the other hand, was anything but happy to come face to face with his father... especially after he saw the psychotic look Tom had when he realized the truth about the two of them and spoke to him about blood purity, his pursue of you and his wish to prove his greatness in a very disturbing way. So after a little help from Jane he was able to return the diary to the Malfoy manor and thus, it returned to the hands of Lucius who realized, he had failed to convince Alexander to become like his father. 

"So, you think your mom is going to be angry at you for this?" Jane asked and Alexander shook his head.

"Not really, by the way... since your parents no longer have a say in your life and since you'll be living with me, my mom and my aunt Kathrine... what do you think of the muggle world?" Alexander wondered but before Jane could answer, professor Mcgonagall told them that there was a troll in the school and that they had to get to safety... and not three minutes after she said that and left, Alexander saw Harry and Ron go towards the girl's bathroom.

"What are you guys doing?!" Jane shouted and Harry looked up.

"Hermione, a girl from our dorm is in there... the troll will definetely hurt her unless we do something!" He explained and the two Slytherin students went with their friends, not interested if Slytherin lost any points... they actually felt happy and saw all the more reasons to do so.

 Meanwhile you had been looking everywhere for these four and upon realizing where they might be you informed Snape, Macgonagall and Quirrell... the four of you were now heading towards the girls bathroom in a state of panic but upon entering you saw the troll on the ground and the five children above it, without a scratch.

"What happened in here?!" You demanded to know and Alexander looked at you with a small smile. The other four smiled along and then turned to you all.

"It's a looong story." 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now