Chapter 63: Sisters.

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After six hours of working, the preparations for the party were done and now all that was left was to wait for the guests. Your sister and Sirius were already here, chatting happily with the children while Neville and his grandmother were discussing something near the fireplace , finaly Remus talked with you about your help to all the werewolves so far and thanked you for everything.

Soon enough the first guests arrived, Dumbledore and the rest of the Weasleys. Ron had been forced by Hermione to come earlier and help setting everything up. Molly hugged you with a warm smile, Kathrine had insisted that they didn't have to bring a gift and that their presence would be the best gift she could ask for, however Molly made her a scarf with a variety of colours on it.

"It's not something fancy...."

"Molly, I'm just happy you came here to enjoy our party, it means the world to me." Kathrine assured and the Weasleys sat down, you offered them something to drink and eat and despite Percy's attempts to get you to invite the minister even now, the mood was quite pleasant. Dumbledore sat next to Remus and the two began talking. The next ones to arrive were Jenny and Xavier with their children along with William who had also a fiancee of his own, her name was Valeria and she was a very stern looking woman but had a good heart, William had kept quiet about it due to all the drama going on but when he introduced her and she warmed up to you all, she proved to be a very enjoyable person. Daniel and Anne arrived at the same time the Malfoy's came as well, the two families didn't speak more than necessary and then, the last ones to arrive were Luna and her father. She was wearing a short bright yellow dress made of fake fur, dark brown boots and a big green hat with seashells.

"Luna, you look lovely." Alexander commented before you could say anything. He offered his hand and Luna gave him, her gift.

"I hope your aunt likes it." She replied and her father looked at you with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Xenophillius Lovegood."

"(Name) (Last Name), the pleasure is all mine. I'm glad Luna came, she really bightens up the party just by being here." You stated and Xenophilius smiled.

"Thank you, it means a lot." He replied, after that you went over to where the Malfoy's were and had a small chat with Lucius and Narcissa, your attention shifted then to Draco, who wasn't talking to anyone, he was just sitting on a chair looking around, so you asked Alexander to encourage him and get the boy to be more active. Alexander agreed and after chatting with the blonde for a short while, he introduced Draco to the younger children and made him look pretty cool which eventually made Draco boast a bit and laugh, as he spoke to the little ones about his family and his abilities and later on even chatted with Alexander and Neville.

"So... sister, how do you like your party so far?" You asked and she smiled. 

"It's perfect... but I must ask, how did you get Dumbledore to let the students stay here for the night?"

"I didn't, he proposed it on his own." You admitted and her eyes went wide.


"Yes, anyway... how is my future nefew or niece doing?" You asked and looked at your sister's grown tummy, she smiled and placed a hand on it, rubbing it gently.

"We're both fine... but a new problem has arrived at our doorstep." She sighed and you frowned.


"The Black family has agreed to take back Sirius and sent a letter, ordering him to return back to their mansion. They demand that he obeys them, otherwise they'll come here themselves."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because Sirius proposed to me, a pureblood witch, thus fullfilling his family's greatest wish. Not to mention that my baby is something they'll definetely try to get their hands on." She mumbled and despite being excited that Sirius proposed to Kathrine, the idea of his family ruining their future became dominant in your mind.

"They can try but they won't have their way, at least not with me around." You assured with determination.

"I'm glad I can count on you. Also, how is your pregnancy going?"

"So far, so good." You reassured and she smiled.

"Despite the circumstances of its creation, I am sure you're happy to have yet another child to dote upon, Harry, Neville and Alexander have grown so much, we can't treat them like little kids anymore." She teased and you smiled as you looked at all three boys laughing together, it was heartwarming, seeing them so happy, it made you proud to be a part of their lives. 

"Lady (Name), lady Kathrine, should we bring out the cake?" Olga wondered and you nodded, you had recently taken in two house elves that had been thrown out by their previous owners, you were treating them well and they had been clean, well fed, wore clothes especially made for them and worked under proper conditions. The house elves brought the cake out, a three level vanilla cake, with chocolate chips, rasberries and blueberries. Kathrine chuckled as she liked berries a lot. 

While you were singing the birthday song, a lone figure watched from outside the window. Envy and desire coming out like the crushing waves of the sea during a strom.

Voldemort had left a gift for Kathrine as well, he could not forget that she was so close to you or that she would keep her pure bloodline strong and clean, despite not caring about it. However his main reason, was to see you, you looked like a goddess in his eyes, elegant, strong, smart and brighter than the moon and the sun combined. He then flew up to your room, unlocked your window and placed two boxes on your bed, they were jewelery he had someone buy for you. 

"If only you could put your stubborness aside." He whispered, he closed his eyes and allowed your scent enter his senses, how could he stay away from you for so long was beyond his understanding. 

Every time he thought about you, his world seemed to come alive, his desire to prove himself as someone worthy of your affections grew stronger... yet why was it that he couldn't get you to so much as smile at him? What did he have to do to prove himself?! 

He took a deep breath and calmed down, firstly he had to get rid of his greatest obstacle, the only man who could currently rival his strength, he was going to kill Dumbledore and cut your source of defiance from the route. Then, Harry Potter would be next and after both were gone... he would become such a dominant force in your life, that you would have no choice but return all the affection he had unconditionally given you. 

He was going to win against his enemies and against the part of yours that defied and rejected him... and he would begin sooner than anyone could imagine.

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