Chapter 46: Incoming storm.

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"(Name), what you ask is absurd." Professor Mcgonagall stated but you remained calm.

"I will not back down. I want to have access to the tournament in case a student needs help." You insisted, Dumbledore was still quiet, it would have been a lie if he said he didn't like the idea. He was having some very bad feelings and having you around as an extra security measure, it seemed perfect... but he had to speak with the headmasters of the other schools as well.

"I cannot guarantee your request will be granted." He announced and you smiled.

"I have a feeling it will." You argued before turning around and left, the headmasters of the two remaining schools had no choice but to accept. Olympe Maxine owed your family and so she would be forced to say yes, and as for Igor Karkaroff, he had already spoken to you and had vowed his loyalty to Alexander, that was in hopes that you would defend him in the future... besides he was scared of what the son of the dark lord would do to a traitor like him. Suddenly, you came across a bunch of girls wearing badges that supported Harry and you, when they saw you the smiled and came closer.

"Professor, thank heavens!" One of them exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" You asked and they pointed over to Draco Malfoy and a group of boys from different dorms. 

"They hexed our badges and destroyed some items we created to help Harry and you!" She proclaimed and you frowned, you walked over to Draco, eyes cold and distant as you gazed at the blonde boy.

"Draco Malfoy, you and this little group of yours have earned two weeks of detention." You stated coldly and the second he heard your voice he turned with his hand over his chest, hiding the badge for those against you and Harry.

"But I did nothing wrong!" He argued, though it was clear he was terrified.

"Hexing the badges of other students, destroyed your classmates work and you are currently skipping class." You responded and brought out a small pocket watch you had, Draco gulped and looked down.

"Sorry professor. It won't happen again." He mumbled, clearly scared of what you would do, you thought back a bit, professor Alister Moody had spooked the young boy when he tried to hex Harry. You smiled and decided to keep it up, though you would give him only half a week detention and it wouldn't be as harsh as you originally thought, holding a grudge against a student was stupid and pointless after all.

"Go to class now if you don't want me to make it three weeks of detention." You threatened and they all run off to their class, you turned to girls behind you and smiled.

"You girls are late for class too." 

"We had a pop quiz and finished early, professor Snape can prove we're telling the truth." One of them replied and you chuckled.

"Very well then, how about you show me what you girls have been working on?" You proposed and they smiled as they pulled you along.

Meanwhile Alexander had been ignoring Ron's nasty comments about him for twenty minutes straight now, but when he tried to make a comment on his friends, Alexander brought his wand out and as he held it below his desk, he set Ron's robe on fire. No one saw him but it sparked the anger between the two rivalring sides. So much so, that the lesson ended early for the sake of not having the students attack each other.

"Thanks Alex." Harry whispered and Alexander smiled, the fact that his closest friends now call him "Alex" made him really happy, the fact that he was part of the group always cheered him up.

"Don't mention it, hopefully that will make Ron understand a few things."

"I wouldn't count on it." Hermione objected as she caught up with the boys, Jane was behind her and was checking on some notes when they came across Igor Karkaroff. 

"Young lord, are you doing well?" He asked after he did a small bow to Alexander.

"Yes, thank you." He answered mildly. True, the guy was a troublemaker and a traitor but Alexander didn't like his father either so he couldn't completely hate him. Igor bowed again and left, giving a glance over at Harry as he passed by them.

"Well, at least he's not as pathetic as Pettigrew." Jane commented and Alexander frowned, he still hadn't forgotten that incident that happened a while ago... why did that disgusting man attacked him? What was he up to? 

"There you are!" A familiar voice called out, all of them turned to see Moody coming, he grabbed Harry and sighed.

"Sorry guys, I've got to go." Harry apologized and Hermione waved as planned to go on a seperate way.

"See you later." Alexander responded and Jane smiled, they continued walking till they reached their next class. As they sat down, Alexander began to wonder. Pettigrew was a coward but he would certainely assist someone of great power... perhaps he was helping the remaining Death Eaters, he leanded back and closed his eyes. He knew his father was alive, he knew that he could return... but he didn't know when or how... he didn't even know where what remained of lord Voldemort was. 

"Alright students, let's begin." Professor Trelawney said and his attention returned to class.

However hidden not very far away, a skeleton thin and awfully small figure gazed at the sky. That figure was once the greatest magician of all times, the most feared person this realm knew. Lord Voldemort though weak, was alive... and longed to regain a healthy body again, he closed his eyes. He wanted to see you, he wanted to hold you... he wanted the family he had created with him. 


"My lord?" Pettigrew asked scared as he looked at him. Voldemort scoffed, he was greatly displeased that the only follower that had come to his aid, was this pathetic little man.

"Get out." 

"Yes, of course!" He squeaked and run off, Voldemort's thoughts returned to you again. He wondered how you'd react when the two of you would meet again... this time however, you would not escape him like you did before, this time he would make sure there was nowhere for you to hide.... and he'd make your body and mind his, just like he did back then. He smiled sadistically at that and at the same moment a shiver run down your spine.

"What was that?" You wondered as you held yourself, your back on the wall. You looked at the sky, something bad was going to happen, your insticts had proved to be right at times like this, you just hoped you could fight whatever would happen in the future.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now