Chapter 68: Warmth.

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You slowly opened your eyes... god, you couldn't remember much but you remembered screaming, Kathrine and Sirius came almost immediately while Tom hid himself... you remembered a long ride and you screaming in pain. A doctor talking and nurses walking all over the room you were in, all while you took deep breaths and tried to not faint... but really everything else were a blur. You tried to stand up when suddenly a hand grabbed your shoulder and pushed you down... it was William.

"Nope, you're staying down, doctor's orders."

"I'm not going anywhere. But... the baby..."

"Ah... about that... we have a problem..."

"What?! Problem... when... what happened to my baby?"

"It's not a health problem... it's..."

"William stop scaring me! Tell me what is going on now!!!" You shouted, he was playing with your nerves.

"You gave birth to a girl..."

"Oh, thank heavens I was scared for a-"

"And two boys."

"And two boys, okay I... Wait, what?! I... I..."

"Triplets. You had triplets. Two boys and one girl."

"But I don't remember something like that?!"

"Because you had to be drugged, otherwise you would have gone mad... not to mention you actually had the guts to try and bite a nurse."


"Don't worry, the nurse was Jenny."

"That's not helping at all!!!" 

"Also, Alexander nearly hexed everyone when he came here. He was a mess."

"Oh my god! This has to be one of the best and most embarassing moments of my life. I could just die..."

"You can die after meeting your children, okay?" He proposed and you chuckled, however you soon heard someone groaning, looking around you saw all of your friends sleeping on chairs. Xavier was the first to look your way.

"Well... look who's finally awake." He muttered with a small smile.

"Talk about yourself, I woke up earlier than you." You teased with a smirk and there were a few chuckles from Anne and Daniel.

"I swear, I couldn't stop laughing when the doctor told us about this whole mess." Daniel added and Anne pinched his arm.

"Hey! It's not good to make fun of the pain of others." She scolded and he sighed in defeat.

"Sorry, my bad. So... triplets... good job." He praised and you laughed.

"Thanks. Though I never thought I'd go straight to number three." 

"Four if you count Alexander." William noted and you rolled your eyes.


"By the way, he hasn't stopped staring at his siblings since they were brought out of the room. He's acting like a guard dog while Jenny is making sure everything's running smoothly." Anne commented and you smiled, it was reassuring to know that he loved his siblings so much.

"I want to see them. All of them." You requested and William nodded, he left the room in a hurry and you asked the rest of your friends to go as well, insisting on being alone. They listened to you and once they were gone, you awaited patiently until William and Alexander returned with the triplets. 

"Hi mom!" He greeted with a bright smile, he was carrying two babies, one wrapped in a pink blanket and one in blue, William was carrying the second boy who was wrapped in a light green blanket. Behind them were two nurses carrying a very big cradle for all three babies.

"How are you, Alexander? I'm so sorry for scaring you." You apologized with a warm smile and the two of them placed the babies in the cradle before bringing it closer for you to have a good look at your children.

"That's my question! You've gone through a lot of pain to bring my brothers and sister in this world!"

"And I couldn't be happier to see these three angels." You responded warmly, Alexander nodded with a smile.

"Me too. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have both brothers and a sister." 

You chuckled and noticed that his eyes were a bit red, had he cried because he now had three younger siblings? 

"Okay, I'm going to leave this little family and go call Sirius and Kathrine. The two of them were scared to death, we forced them to go back with their daughters after three hours of arguing. Now I owe them some intel to what happened after they left." William sighed with a smile and left. 

"I've caused so much trouble again."

"No mom! That's not true!" 

"Alexander, please. There's no need for-"

"You should listen to our son, dearest." A familiar voice interrupted, Alexander didn't move, he didn't turn to look at his father, he simply went over the babies and stayed over them, his eyes closed but he was clearly angry.

"How long have you been here, Tom?"

"Not long, still I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to." He admitted and walked closer.

"You don't belong here, dark lord." Alexander stated bluntly, you reached out for his hands and pulled him closer, allowing Tom a good view of the three newborns.

"You may only see them... but don't even think of touching them." You stated darkly. Tom gave you a desperate look, as if asking if you were serious. You noticed a bouquet of flowers in his hands, he placed them on the small stand next to your bed before giving you another desperate look. Which didn't work at all.

"You heard her, only look." Alexander replied and Tom sighed, he wasn't going to fight the love of his life and his first born, not on such a happy ocassion. He looked down at the triplets with a fond smile, he hoped they'd look like you instead of him. He was certain it'd be much more fun and way more pleasant than them being quiet, extremely cunning, distrustfull and cryptic.  

"You never fail to amaze me, my dear."  He praised you warmly and you were taken aback, same with Alexander. He looked at his father shocked, the supreme gentleness of his face, his gaze filled with sincerity and the warm, loving tone had left you both in complete and utter disbelief. 

"Well... that's new." Alexander murmured and looked away, Tom noticed it and decided to try getting on his son's good side once again, he raised his hand gently patted Alexander's head, causing the boy to freeze and glare upwards.

"You said I am not to touch the babies, you never said something about our son, correct?" Tom asked while looking at you. Alexander grabbed his father hand and pushed it away.

"I'm not a toddler or a pet, I don't need to be patted on the head, okay?!" He hissed and Tom chuckled, despite Alexander's hostile act, the atmosphere wasn't cold or threatening, if anything it felt as if a teenager was trying to act big to impress his parents. 

Tom decided that the triplets were indeed a miracle, the one he needed to finally have the family that was owed to him. Finally, it was his turn to find happiness. 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now