Chapter 49: The Return Pt.2

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You had been walking around a large maze accompanied by Narcissa, Draco, Lucius and Alexander. Lucius had expressed his gratitude and Draco seemed to be a bit more respectfull towards Alexander, it was clear that the Malfoy family had humbled themselves a bit. 

"Mom, what if he tries to kill Diggory or another champion?"

"That's why me and Draco are here." Narcissa explained.

"Everyone except Potter will be taken before they reach their goal." Draco added and you sighed, they had to show their loyalty and so letting the boy go would do the opposite. 

"Pettigrew's with him?" You asked and Lucius nodded.

"Yes, apparently he found our lord and kept him alive."

"Hmph, so he can do something other than running away." You scoffed and Lucius chuckled.

"Looks like it. I must admit, I can understand why Bellatrix was so envious."

"My sister was unstable from the beginning, her obsession with the dark lord only made her condition worse."

"I see." You hummed and you all came to a halt, you brought out a small pocket watch and looked at the time, the champions would be here any minute now.

"Narcissa, Draco... please go ahead... both of you need to take out Victor Krum first." You mumbled and they left, Lucius stayed close until he heard a faint ruffle, he left and thankfully it was Fleur who was soon unconcious right next to him.

"Thank goodness." You sighed, Alexander modified her memories before he sent her back, a while later Narcissa and Draco returned and confirmed that Victor had the same luck as Fleur and was now back to Hogwarts, safe and sound. That however made you anxious, Cedric and Harry hadn't appeared yet.

"Mom, I can go and look for them." Alexander proposed. 

"No... if Pettigrew appears then you must be here." You argued, soon however you heard two familiar voices and saw both Cedric and Harry running away from a bunch of plans. 

"Mom!" Alexander called out and you saw Pettigrew from the corner of your eye.

"Draco, take Cedric and leave." You instructed and pointed your wand to Pettigrew.

"Who are you?!" Cedric demanded to know.

"Kill the spare!" Voldemort growled but before Pettigrew could say anything you screamed.


In seconds, birds appeared as you stayed focused on them, meanwhile Draco knocked Cedric down and before Harry could do something he was shoved to the ground by Alexander, it was then that Draco and Cedric escaped the maze. 

Once that was done you lowered your wand, Narcissa and Lucius came from behind and grabbed you, your arms behind your back. Alexander left Harry and now stood between Pettigrew and his friend. However Pettigrew used his wand and raised both boys in the air, two large statues from behind then imprisoned them as you watched in fear. He went near a boiling cauldron and it was then that you saw a small skeletly thin person, however the eyes that stared back at you were unmistakable... it was Tom, he gave you a weak smile before Pettigrew threw him in the cauldron, he then began adding the other ingredients. 

"Bone of the father, unwillingly given." He muttered and threw it in.

"Stop it Peter!!!" You screamed but he ignored you.

"Flesh of the servant.... willingly sacrificed." He went on and using a knife he cut off on of his hands... you averted your gaze, feeling chills knowing what would occur. He then turned to Harry.

"Leave him alone Pettigrew or else!" Alexander threatened and attempted to kick Peter.

"Blood of the enemy,  forcibly taken." He murmured and while using the same knife he scratched Harry's hand, the blood on the blade was added and then he brought out a small amount of Alexander's hair as well as a small bottle that contained his blood.

"Get ready." Lucius whispered.

"Symbol of resemblence and blood of a loved one, forcefully taken." He added and threw them both in. It was then that Harry began screaming in pain.

"He's coming!" Narcissa warned as all three of you watched, the cauldron was set ablaze and then it vanished, the once deformed dark lord began taking human appearance once again, you saw his hair grow back, his eyes showing his new strength... you gulped, he looked exactly like the boy you met in Hogwarts, no difference at all... his hair were a bit longer but his features were clearly visible. 

"No.... no..."

Voldemort touched his face, his eyes, his nose, his mouth... then he looked his hands, his attention shifted to Pettigrew. The cowardly man brought out his wand and offered it to him, Voldemort took it and then looked at you.

"Master I..."

"Call the others." He ordered, completely ignoring Peter who had his chopped hand up, to his hesitance Voldemort shrugged and took his other hand, he pressed the wand on the dark mark and you saw Lucius react, his uniform of the death eaters appeared and as Narcissa let you go, he dragged you closer. The sky turned dark with the death mark on, soon there were many more of his followers around.

"Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it has been... and yet here you stand before me." He started, you watched silently, he began talking and expressed his anger for having none of them helping him. When he came to Lucius however, he stopped and smirked.

"My lord...." 

"Lucius... I am dissapointed that you didn't search for me but... you kept my most precious one safe." He mused as his hand touched your cheek, Lucius let you go but you were not given the chance to flee, Voldemort wrapped one of his hands around your waist and smiled.

"Leave my mother alone!" Alexander shouted, Voldemort turned and upon seeing his son imprisoned he turned to Pettigrew and used the Cruciatus curse on him without a second thought. 

"Why is my son imprisoned like a rat?! You weak fool!!" He shouted as Pettigrew screamed and begged for forgiveness.

"Stop it!" You screamed and he turned to you, seconds after that he set Alexander free and went closer to him, before the boy had the chance to say anything Voldemort hugged him. 

"It's been too long, my son." He whispered and you came closer, you were sure he wouldn't hurt him but Harry was still around, Voldemort must have realized that as he turned to him, however Pettigrew could no longer wait, Voldemort granted his wish for a new arm and then gave his full attention on Harry. He began talking about his past, about Lily and about Harry before he pressed a finger on Harry's forhead and began torturing him to prove that Lily's sacrifice was in vain. On that moment you charged and pushed hima aside, Harry was then free and watched as you stood in the middle.

"Leave Harry alone, I raised him and treated him the same way I treated Alexander. To me he is a son too!" You stated and Voldemort chuckled.

"I know, I know... it's unfortunate however because... the boy will die. I will make it up to you and give you another orphan to raise, I promise." He assured and after Harry brought out his wand the two began to duel. Alexander entered the battle in favor of Harry.

"Grab the cup and leave!!!!" He shouted and Harry looked over at the two of you.

"I'm not leaving without you two!!! We're all going back home!!!" He argued but you spoke up.

"We'll be fine Harry, please leave... make sure everyone knows!" You screamed and Harry looked at you for a brief moment, he looked over at Alexander who used more power, thus giving Harry the chance to stop and escape. On that moment though you looked up and saw a bright light, spirits began appearing and among them you saw Lily and James, they placed some sort of barrier that kept Voldemort away, tears fell from your eyes as you watched your old friends. However a few seconds later.... you felt something hit the back of your head, your son's screams being the last thing you heard before everything around you turned pitch black.

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