Chapter 16: Graduation.

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The years passed by... Tom stayed away from you and you were able to fully focuse in your studies becoming a very well known student both inside and outside of the school. Today was your last day in Hogwarts... Dumbledore had been your protector inside the school and had made sure you had not involved in any sort of trouble.

"It's sad... I don't want you to leave." Elena murmured, she sat next to you looking into your eyes with pure sadness.

"I promise to come and see you whenever I can... so don't look so sad Elena." You comforted and she nodded, you smiled and she tried to touch you, her hand passed through you and you felt something cold while that happened... was that how it felt when a ghost passed through you? 

"It's moments like this one that I wish I wasn't a ghost."

"Well, there is nothing either of us can do."

"I know." Elena sighed, suddenly she stopped and glared something or someone from behind you. Her eyes held a deep hatred and you could spot betrayal, there was only one person she would look that way.

"Ignore him. You will not see him again. There is no point in holding a grudge."

"He has defiled it... he has done something that no one should do..."

"I know.... but even so he will fail, people like him... always do, sooner or later."

"I hope it'll be sooner than we think." She hissed and looked at you, eyes filled with a silent wish... a wish you knew that couldn't be fullfilled now but would happen later on in life.

"Then we all have to wait until the right moment." You mumbled and she nodded before leaving, you turned around and saw Tom, looking at you clearly interested in what you and Elena discussed. 

You got closer and gave him a quick glance before leaving, you heard him growl but he made no move.  You kept on walking until you saw William, he was smilling at you warmly and offered his hand. Things between you two were serious... you had done everything a couple would do... well almost. There was a line you did not dare cross since you were both still students, Daniel was extremely cheerfull since he himself got a girlfriend, her name was Anne and she belonged to Hufflepuff along with Jenny. Anne was an extremely shy and timid person, she barely spoke but she truly cared for others a lot... maybe a bit too much. Xavier and Jenny were even more lovey dovey than one might imagine... dates, small gifts and even those weird long stares while blushing. 

"Hi there." He greeted as you hugged him, his extended arm came to wrap around your waist as he lower himself giving you a peck on the lips.

"Sorry I'm late."

"No, you're not late. Anne and Jenny are waiting outside, Daniel and Xavier should be on their way too. They talked to some old classmates, since they don't think they'll see them any time soon." He explained and you hummed as the two of you went towards your meeting spot. 

"Oh, you're here!" Jenny exclaimed with clear excitment, you were all going over to her place to celebrate your graduation... and she was the most hype person in your group for that. Anne waved at you both and smiled shyly.


"Don't be so shy, we're all a group now." William scolded her gently before he smiled warmly, her eyes sparkled at his words. 

Anne was extremely introverted, she had short dark brown hair and grey eyes, she was the tallest girl in the group and even more self concious than Jenny.  

"Yes!!!" She exclaimed happily, the way she spoke made her look like an excited puppy. It was kind of cute.

"Oh there they are!" William shouted as he spoted Daniel and Xavier, both seemed to be in a good mood too. 

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting." Daniel apologized and went near Anne, she looked down and nodded before Daniel wrapped his arms around her reasuringly, they made a very good couple. Anne's kind and shy nature came into contrast with Daniel's headstrong and brave one, not to mention both were a bit on the goofy side.

"Well, let's go!!!" Jenny proclaimed loudly and you chuckled. 

Meanwhile Tom was giving William the deadliest glare he could master, he hated this guy more than anyone else.

He was under the illusion that if William didn't exist you'd certainly be head over heels for him. The pain in his chest got stronger as he watched him kiss you... he wanted to kill him, he wanted to torture him to the point of insanity and then kill him. He, who was far above others, couldn't obtain the only person that made him lose all knowledge of time and space!

His thirst for knowledge wasn't as big as his desire to hold you, his dreams of conquering weren't as appealing if he couldn't indulge himself in you. He was craving every ounch of your being... he recalled every time he came to your dorm and found you asleep, all the times he layed besides you and had you reach out to him for the warmth of his body... the smiles that would appear at times when you were dreaming of something and the gentle and loving actions he gave you despite the fact that you weren't aware of his presence.

"Mine... she's mine... she's always been mine." Tom growled, his eyes became clouded... his expression was empty as his gaze fixated on you. When he saw you laugh, a grin appeared on his face and a small blush did too. He wondered, would you smile like that after he ravished your body, or would you look at him longingly, seeking out more of him. The possibility of you being disgusted didn't cross his mind at all, his fantasies vanished however when a familiar voice spoke.

"Is there a reason you're up here, Tom?"

 "No... not really, professor Dumbledore." He responded, his normal state now covering the insanity and madness he showed earilier.

"I see, well aside from that. Congratulations for graduating, you have always been an excellent student." Dumbledore congratulated and Tom frowned.

"I get the feeling you know something I do not professor, something that involves me."

"I don't, there isn't really something." He replied and Tom hummed, he then left as he wondered what kind of secrets were kept from him.

"What a pain in the neck." He murmured as he moved downstairs. He had so many things to do... so many moves had to be done in order to bring his plan to fruition... he smirked as he decided his next move. 

Now he was free from both Dumbledore and his stupid promise to be away from you, now he could make his move and take everything he deserved.  

He could finally begin his era, one that would last for eternity.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now