Chapter 54: Desprair.

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You and Alexander had been running, moving towards freedom and towards a future away from the Death Eaters. Your son was in front of you, holding his wand ready to attack anyone who would try to stop the two of you. You too had your wand and kept an eye behind you two, suddenly you heard seven loud hisses and a few screams of terror followed by loud thumps. 

"The Basilisks killed someone." Alexander mumbled and cautiously moved forward, speaking in Parseltongue as the large serpents approached, your gaze fell on the ground as they circled the two of you, they lowered their heads and gently nudged you, urging you to pet them, you gently patted their noses, eyes closed and the large serpents seemed calm and content.

"Alexander... were the victims Death Eaters?" You asked and Alexander growled.

"Yes... looks like they wandered here by accident. Can't say I'm happy they're dead." He admited and you smiled, you were glad that he hadn't really changed even after training with Bellatrix and being close to so much darkness for so long. He turned to the serpents and spoke again, all of them moved away, three remained behind you while the rest moved ahead. The two of you were now walking, more relaxed as the seven beasts stood guard, scenting the air and looking around, carefully watching everything.

Meanwhile Voldemort was livid, he was one hundrend and ten percent done with you trying to escape him. Every Death Eater was out searching for you and Alexander, he was both proud and angry with his son, he had proved to be a true genius, far surpassing any new expectations Voldemort had for him, he had found the remains of the Basilisks eggs, the frog and had discovered the truth regarding Alexander's training ground. Voldemort had literally offered him everything he needed to create his escape plan.

"My lord... we found two of our own dead while searching part of the underground tunnel, some of your followers refuse to go further in case the Basilisks were ordered to stay behind." Bellatrix reported.

"No, my son wants his mother as well as my future wife to be safe, he'd never risk letting these powerfull allies of his behind. He's smart, no doubt about that, however he's still too young." He commented and decided to enter the tunnel himself and see where it led. Bellatrix was right behind him, she wanted the boy back too, not because he was the dark lords son but because she had come to care for him the same way you did, though twisted and sadistic, she held a genuine love for Alexander as she saw his potential, his devotion and his courage.

"My lord, what will you do to them?" She asked and Voldemort smirked.

"(Name) will be chained to her room and my son will also be chained in his room. I will not harm her, I never will but I will make her understand who she belongs to." He replied and Bellatrix went silent, envy and concern mixed in her heart. 

Back to you and Alexander, who finally managed to get out of the tunel, you were close to Hogsmeade and that made you relax, Alexander turned to the Basilisks and raised seven beads before using his wand to place each one of them inside, once he was done he opened a bag the carried on his back and brought out two long brown cloaks, you both put them on and moved ahead, making sure not to leave any tracks behind. Suddenly a low growl made you both freeze, turning slowly you came face to face with a werewolf, he growled and charged at you. 

"Watch out mom!" Alexander screamed and pushed you aside, barely escaping the werewolf's teeth. He grabbed Alexander and threw him away, he hit his head on a stone and you saw blood coming out of your son's head, you turned to the werewolf and pointed your wand at him ready to attack when a second, way larger werewolf attacked... his target however, were neither you nor Alexander, it was his own kind. He bit the smaller werewolf and with just a sudden throw of his head sent him flying, there was something about this werewolf that seemed familiar, it wasn't until it looked at you that you understood what was going on.

"Fenfir!" You exclaimed shocked, he slowly moved closer to Alexander and picked him up, he looked at you and you both began running... he only stopped when he was extremely close to the city, he placed Alexander down and howled before leaving you two alone. Seconds later, you came across faces you thought you'd never see again.

"Harry! Hermione! Ronald! Jane! Cedric! Oh my god!" You called out tears falling from your eyes.

"Big sister!" An overly familiar voice chimed in.

"Kathrine!!!" You exclaimed and hugged your sister. Sirius appeared as well, he took Alexander and with Harry's help carried him over a pub where he was treated by Jenny and Anne. You stayed close your son the entire time, wishing that he would be alright.

"He didn't lose a lot of blood... but he might have problems remembering stuff for a short while." She announced and you turned fully to look at Jenny.

"How much exactly, Jenny?"

"Maybe a week or two. However his life isn't in any danger... how did it happen anyway?"

"A werewolf attacked us." You confessed and she gasped.

"The dark lord is searching for me and Alexander... we must return to Hogwarts, it's the only place the three of us will be safe." You muttured and Jenny looked at you confused.


"I'm pregnant again by the dark lord, I will bear him another child." You whispered and her eyes widen in horror.

"Oh (Name).... I... I don't know what to say... if you want I can let you stay in our house, Xavier will be more than happy to cover for you."

"No Jenny, I will not put you in any more danger.... I have caused enough sorrow and enough problems for everyone, including my own son." You argued and she grabbed your shoulders, making you look at her face.

"You better not let Alexander hear you say this."

"But this has gotten out of hand!"

"Tom was always like that, it's only gotten worse since he grew up." A familiar voice interrupted, you turned and saw Dumbledore looking at you sadly.

"I created this... I know how this whole thing began... William and Daniel accidentally created some sort of antidote that allowed Tom to feel love... and somehow for some reason he chose me..."

"At least you know that he is actually capable of love now." Jenny mumbled and you sighed.

"Can we talk about this later? Right now we need to leave Hogsmeade and return to Hogwarts." You said and Dumbledore nodded. 

"A carriage is ready to take you both back, I'll return later. William, Daniel, your sister and Sirius will also be joining you." He explained and you saw William and Daniel enter, they took Alexander and you followed behind them, your previous despair now slowly turning to hope. 

Hope for a chance to finally be rid of Voldemort, of Tom and live free at last.

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