Chapter 34: Fights in the Chamber.

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"Mom... Mom!!!!" Alexanders voice echoed as the effect of the curse vanished and you returned to your senses.

"Alexander...oh thank heavens, you're okay.... but Ginny...  where is she?" You asked and Alexander looked behind him as you saw the body of the young girl on the floor, she was unconscious...

"The dark lord brought us here."

"I prefer "father", it's really cold of you not to acknowledge your ties to me, Alexander. Don't you think?" A familiar voice interjected, your gaze fell further as you locked eyes with a teenage boy... Tom...

"You! How can you be alive?! How can you be... like this?!" You screeched in disbelief and Tom chuckled. It was then that you took notice of your own appearance... you looked a bit younger...but how? 

"Hello my dear. It's a pleasure to see you too. I have to say you're even more beautifull than I remember. I did turn the clock back a little but... no magic can change how stunning you truly are." He purred and smiled at you.

"Why have you brought us here? What exactly do you want from me and my son?!"

"Our son, I admit I am a bit upset that I didn't find out sooner. I could have certainely made arrangements so that he was better protected and received better treatment."

"I was raised and protected perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about that. Now why did you bring me and my mom here?"

"No rush, we need to wait for dear, little Potter to reach us. By the way, Alexander I do hope you're prepared. I intent to spend some time teaching you about what a true wizard is like."

"One of my friends is unconscious, you most certainely intend to kill one of my best friends and you've kidnapped me and my mother... and do I really have to mention the Basilisk?!" He shouted and Tom laughed, delighted at the sight.

"Oh, you have your mother's temper and wit. I truly love it!" He exclaimed and you frowned.

"Will you stop mocking us?!" You growled and he looked at you before raising an eyebrow.

"I have never mocked you, my dear. If anything I've always adored you."

"Then why did you send a Basilisk after MY students?!" You snapped at him and he frowned, he slowly came closer and to your surprise Alexander moved forward bringing out his wand.

"You won't hurt them! Not my mother nor any of my friends... I don't care if you're my father..."

"You are brave, my son. An admirable trait, indeed." He commented and you frowned, although it was weird for a teenager to call a young boy "his son", the tone was gentle, caring... even loving.

"Well, I might not belong in Gryffindor but that doesn't mean I plan on allowing you to ruin more lives... like you ruined my mother's, like you ruined mine."

"I didn't and don't plan on ruining yours or your mother's life. I only want to have what was taken from me back, I will return to my rightfull place and you two will stand by my side both as my subordinates and as the family that was stolen from because of-"

"Nothing was stolen from you because neither me nor Alexander belong to you! Don't you get it? You are the only one both of us despise!"

"Because of that brat?! Or maybe because of William?"

"Because you ruined my life little by little, day by day! You have been trying to force yourself in my life when I clearly rejected you every single time!" You screamed, tears falling from your eyes.

"I only wanted to hear three words from you! I only wanted your love!" He shouted back and as much as those words crushed you they also seemed to heal you.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now