Chapter 91: Our story.

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Two days after you met with Rita, Tom brought news regarding the Blacks. Their scandals and actions were brought to the light, their family was humiliated beyond belief and they became an icon of disgust and disgrace. Going outside of their house meant they were subjected to all forms of verbal abuse, especially those that had commit any form of incest. 

As for Beatrice, she was sent away to America, in an attempt to somehow protect what left of their already destroyed honor. Not two days later after she arrived, she was found dead inside her, not so small, apartment. Many suspected Tom but at this point, the Blacks were the most hated family ever recorded in magical history. 

Members like Sirius and Andromenda were seen as heroes, Narcissa was pitied and viewed as a sacrifice to her family. However, her attitude and the clear friendship between her and you, made her a welcomed presence and people showed her respect even now, making Lucius relax and Draco happy. 

"So... what happens now?" Elena asked you, she had become something of a secretary at this point, delivering messages from and to you. McGonagall and Trelawney had also been very close to you, especially after you had dealt Umbridge so long ago. To this day, there was a song made to humiliate that toad.

"Freakish, freaky, froggy.

Pinky, kitty, a zero in the making.

Umbridge will always be a nothing"

It wasn't unsual for the song to be heard around the hallway. You didn't know who started it but you didn't really plan on stopping it either. 

As for your children, they were enjoying the VIP treatment George and Fred offered them when they would visit their shop. Cassiopeia especially seemed taken with the variety of items that could be used to prank people. Charles was always there to stop her from buying anything and Gregory would mostly stay quiet and watch the other two argue, his sister insisting that nothing bad will happen and Charles telling her that it could be dangerous for Delphini, you, Tom, Alexander, Harry and Neville. Thankfully that was enough to stop her from trying any of the stuff the twins had.

"Aren't they a bit too mature for their age?" Fred once asked you and you chuckled.

"They act the same way Alexander does. When they were born, he was like a guard dog, always watching over them, making sure they were fine and happy. I guess that's been passed down to them as well."

Fred laughed and looked at them with a large smile.

"Sounds like you don't have to worry about them causing trouble."

"Well, yes. By the way, how are your parents? I haven't talked to them in a while."

"Much better after you ensured dad's getting paid four times his previous salary." George chuckled, Fred nodded and you sighed in relief.

"That's good to know. I really wanted to do something about the way your father was treated during the whole nonsense with Fudge. Especially after Percy's awful  remark regarding your father's position." 

"Yeah... he still hasn't said that he's sorry about that." Fred scoffed and you were left with your mouth open. 

"Seriously?! After all this?!"

"Ginny received a letter from him asking if she or Ron were thinking of working for the ministry... and he's still pissed that the minister wasn't right about Harry and Dumbledore."

"Oh, he's being far too childish. Pride is good when it's under control..."

"Like your husband's case?"

"He's still not my husband... and I expect the two of you to attend the wedding."

"Of course we will!" Both of them exclaimed and you smiled. 

"Good...the invitations must have arrived." You responded and they both brought out two small yellow roses, their petals scattered around the room and when they slowly began returning to the flower, it turned into a small green paper with the petals turning to letters, revealing the date and time of the wedding.

"Still don't know how you did this." George admitted and you chuckled.

"It was Tom's idea."

"A flair for the dramatic, I see." Fred commented and you rolled your eyes.

"Don't make fun of him, boys. Besides, one day after the wedding, Rita Skeeter will reveal my story with Tom and how everything led to this moment."

The twins were left speechless at that. They knew everything first hand... but they never imagined you'd want everything to go public.

You stayed for a few hours before taking the triplets to Hogwarts. A request made by all the professors who wanted to see them a little sooner than expected. And... well, they were suprised by them, especially with Gregory who listened to your instructions, not really arguing and being something of a peacemaker between his sister and brother.... who weren't really troublemakers either. Cassiopeia was indeed loud and had a lively personality but that didn't go to the rowdy side. Charles was actually quite shy, he was polite but he clearly didn't enjoy having so many strangers over his head.

"I think that's enough for one day." You stated and then had Luna take over, once the triplets learnt that she was Alexander's girlfriend they were all over her. Her personality won them over in a flash and making you relax as they followed her around, acting like ducklings.

Meanwhile Tom was having a hard time dealing with a very angry Sirius and a very cocky Fenfir. The two of them began arguing over something and Tom just walked in at the wrong moment, he would have just killed them both in the past but... one of them was his brother in law... so that was out of the question... and Fenfir was like a big, scary guard dog that was loyal to you. Well, at least that was an improvement from his previous, uncivilized behavior.

"I see you're all getting along nicely." Kathrine snickered as she entered the room, her daughters right behind her. The elder twin, Cordelia was holding a small jar filled with marbles while the younger twin, Anastasia was eating a little bit of chocolate.

"Is that what you think getting along looks like?" Tom asked and Kathrine chuckled.

"Well, as long as there's no blood on the furniture, walls or carpet, we're fine." 

Tom rolled his eyes and left the room, thanking whatever deity was up there when the triplets and Narcissa Malfoy arrived. He had said it to you before but spending time with his children was the second best way to waste a day, spending time with you being the first thing.

"Daddy! We met brother's girlfriend!" Cassiopeia announced happily.

"She's funny." Charles continued and Gregory nodded.

The three kept talking about their meeting with Luna and Tom was greately enjoying hearing them talk instead of the two men in the living room. He began wondering...when people learnt of the long story you and him has... would they ony see the tragedy?

Because this moment, his life right now... it was anything but the ending for a tragedy. Your story... how would the world see it, after you were officially his wife?

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now