Chapter 67: Sides

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As it was suspected by both Harry and Alexander, Fudge stepped down as minister and for once said the truth, at the same time Draco had been expressing his gratitude towards Alexander for saving his father and his family yet again.

"You're not safe yet, my father must extremely angry with your father." Alexander pointed out but Draco shook his head.

"He's mostly angry with Bellatrix Lastrange for attacking Harry Potter and Sirius Black."

"What? Why?" He asked clearly shocked at the news.

"I don't know, however my father's failure was nothing compared to that... I think he's trying to win over your mother by sparing Potter."

"I have to admit I am surprised." He replied and suddenly Alexander looked over and saw Luna along with two boys, jealousy took over only to realize that she was being bullied again, his envy turning to rage. It took two seconds for him to run over and put the two boys in their places, Draco walked over slowly, not sure what to do in this case. After all the two boys were from his own dorm and Luna was known to be eccentric, however that didn't change that she was Alexander's love interest. 

"Thanks, although I must admit... it was interesting." Luna admitted and Alexander looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"They remind me of duckings... or maybe kittens..."

"That's indeed interesting. By the way, my aunt recently got the autograph of Newt Scamander, she sent me a book with it... I was thinking of searching for some of those creatures once I am done with Hogwarts."

"That's nice, do you think you'll discover new species or maybe... breed a new kind of beast?"

"Well, I'd be more than happy if you ever tagged along, I bet it'd be more fun and exciting that way." Alexander replied and Draco saw a pattern there, he decided to leave the two of them be, although he thought that history was seriously repeating itself. A Slytherin falling in love with a Ravenclaw... the characters were different but it did seem like a replay of the past.

Meanwhile you had been reading Newt's book, you had been seriously surprised when Kathrine gave it to you and told you she had obtained it. She explained that she had been friends with Newt's wife, Tina and that she sent her most recent letter along with the book. Even though you wanted nothing more than to go to Hogwarts and give Alexander, Harry and everyone else a good scolding for going to the ministry... your condition didn't allow you to do what you wanted. It really wasn't going to be long before you gave birth as well... you were also glad that Sirius was alive and was getting better, after hearing what Bellatrix had done you were sure that she'd kill Sirius regardless of family ties. 

"I swear, things only get more complicated as time goes by."  You mumbled, there was a knock on the door and you stood up slowly, as you opened your mood only got worse. Tom was once again standing in front of you with a smile and a single red rose.

"Hello, my dear."

"Why did you come back here? Shouldn't you be worried about being seen?" You asked but moved aside to let him in. He left the rose on a coffee table and turned to fully face you.

"Isn't it the duty of a husband to be near in case his wife needs something?"

"You're not my husband and I am not your wife."


"I don't want to marry you!"

"And I repeat, yet."

"Oh good lord! Why me?!"

"Because you're special."

"Nothing about me is special."

"I beg to differ, you represent the term "special" in all it's glory, dear." He argued as he wrapped his hands around you, gently pushing you towards him, his lips near your ear.

"You have a smooth tongue but you should know by now that I have an immunity to it."

" Hehe...And you still say you're not special?"

"Tom, enough!" You growled but he only chuckled.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're just shy." He whispered before pressing a kiss on your ear, causing you to shiver.

"In case you forgot, I am pregnant already."

"And that only makes you more amazing." 

"Why did you come here again, you haven't answered my question."

"We didn't finish our conversation and so I came back."

"To try and make believe that you really plan on sparing Harry, after everything you've done to the poor boy?!"

"I will, for you. You have tried to protect this boy so much that I can't help but step down."

"What are you really planning, Tom? I can't think you've decided to do so out of the kindness of your heart... simply because you don't have one."

"I have a heart, my dear. If I hadn't then you'd be in a much worse position, I assure you." 

"Oh really?"

"Really. Now, how about we take a seat and continue talking?" He proposed and let you go, you blinked but moved to the living room, offering him a seat before going to the kitchen, it was a good thing Sirius and Kathrine were sleeping with their daughters, otherwise things would have been bad. After making some tea, you returned and offered it to him with a few pastries.

"So, what's the catch in you sparing Harry?"

"None really, besides if I wanted to make you obey me and still kill the boy I can use the Imperius curse and be done with it, I really wouldn't have been patient or accepting... and certainely not as mercifull." He stated and took a sip of his tea... you had to admit that he was right, he wouldn't be so hesitant.

"Then what about Bellatrix?"

"She has been punished, what she did was not what I ordered." He growled and you nodded, you were already suspecting that Bellatrix would do something to get back on Tom's good side but you weren't sure what.

"I have my doubts that you are doing this because of me Tom, but... I have to admit that I see your point. However right now, I am more concerned with other matters, one of them being my pregnancy and the other my future brother in law's health."

"Sirius Black... I admit I looked down on him but... he really made a smart choice."

"You mean his relationship with my sister?"

"Yes, he is willing to marry her and keep the household of Black pure... and you and your sister have already done so, protecting the (Last Name)' s name and reputation." 

"Can we please not speak about blood purity? It will only end up in a fight." You groaned and Tom smilled, his plan was working, you were indeed opening up to him... so now it was only a matter of time, he would get you to love him and after you, he'd get his son to do the same. 

He would get you both to his side and if he could he'd also pull Potter to his side... brainwashing, the imperius curse, manipulating memories... he'd do anything to get you. Killing the boy had proved to be a bad idea... and he knew that now that he had lost his chance to get the prophecy, he had to search for alternatives. So he'd use his cunning nature once again to get what he wanted.

"As you wish, I have all the time in the world, let's talk about more pleasant matters my dear. How about baby names?" He agreed but he only received a gasp as you suddenly grabbed your tummy, hinting what was going on... it was time for him to meet his second child.

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