Chapter 47: Deal.

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"I still can't believe they let you do it." Harry muttered and you smiled, as planned you would be the supervisor of the second and the third trial. The first trial would be supervised by Dumbledore since he believed that a bad start would lead to a bad end. Cedric came close to the two of you and smiled.

"I'm off, wish me luck."

"You have the skills, luck might be an extra." You responded and Cedric blushed.

"Thanks professor." He mumbled and entered the arena, you looked over at the dragon... Alexander had used parseltongue to keep all of the dragons at bay, claiming that the humans only desired to play... but you had to wonder if they had really listened to him. 

Your attention however, switched over to Alister Moody, something about him wasn't right. Dumbledore told you he was eccentric but... his attitude had a similarity to that of Bellatrix. A desire to please some greater and darker force.... Moody mumbled something and turned to leave, his hip flask fell but it seemed that he didn't notice in his rush, you picked it up and opened it wondering what it was that he liked to drink so much, the scent however made you freeze.... polyjuice potion had a very speciffic scent and that's what the flask contained, you were sure of it. The question was why? Why would Alister Moody drink a polyjuice potion? You closed the flask and went after Moody.

"Professor Moody! You dropped something!" You called out and he turned, upon seeing the flask he panicked and grabbed it.

"God dammit! You better not have placed somethig in it!"

"Like what? Anyway, you should be more carefull, had that been a student..."

"Yes, yes, whatever!!!" He growled and left, you frowned. That wasn't right, Alister Moody would have been more determined to learn exactly what happened after his flask fell, he wouldn't just let it go. 

"Professor (Name) (Last Name)." A familiar voice called out, you turned and much to your surprise you came face to face with Narcissa Malfoy.

"Now that's a visitor I did not expect to have." You replied sternly, Narcissa motioned for you to follow her but you didn't take a single step.

"You are already suspecting something, I just want to help you." She muttured and you frowned.


"Because this involves both my husband and son... I will beg if necessary but you have to listen to me." She insisted and from her look you could tell it was something truly important. The two of you went to Dumbledore's office and after making sure no one else was around the two of you sat down.

"What is it that made you come here?"

"The man pretending to be Alister Moody is Barty Crouch Junior, a member of the Death Eaters."

"But that's absurd, he's dead..."

"No, I thought so too... until Lucius told me what really happened."

"What do you mean?"

"Barty came to our home and threatened to harm Draco if we did not go according to his and the dark lord's plan. He plans on luring Harry Potter to the dark lord."

"So as I suspected he too is alive."

"Indeed... but neither me nor Lucius know exactly where Barty and Pettigrew have him. They plan to bring him to life and have Harry ready to meet his fate during the tournament."

"Isn't that on your best interest too?"

"No, if someone other than Lucius does then that might turn the dark lord against us... I don't care about myself but I will not let harm come to Draco." She argued with determination, you smiled at that and she seemed confused.

"Then all you have to do is give the dark lord something he wants more."


"The family he thinks he created... Alexander and I." 

"You mean... you want me and Lucius to sent you to him?"

"Not exactly, Barty Crouch Junior believes he can give Harry to the dark lord but you will give him an opportunity to meet with me and Alexander.... you need to make sure that Alexander escorts me without this fraud interefering... that will keep you and Draco safe from his wrath." 

"Indeed.... but why are you so willing to help me? I was certain that even if you listened to me, you wouldn't want to help me."

"You do what you do for your son, I would have done the same for both Alexander and Harry. Besides, I cannot allow one of my student to die at the hands of the dark lord.... doesn't matter if he's caused me trouble or not."

"I admire you, I wish I wasn't so scared to defy the dark lord."

"Also, Narcissa.... I want you to make sure Barty Crouch Junior does not escape Hogwarts."

"Gladly, after he threatened to harm my son there is nothing keeping me from making him pay." She hissed and after that the two of you ended your conversation. You went back to the arena where you saw Harry on the floor and Alexander speaking parseltongue to the dragon Harry faced. Hermione came over and told you what had happened, apparently the dragon had been too scared and attacked Harry for real.... however, he managed to pass the first trial with success, you turned over to glare at Dumbledore.

"So much for supervising the whole thing." You hissed but the headmaster remained calm.

Meanwhile Pettigrew was trying his best to please his weakened master, Voldemort spent much of his time thinking about you and Alexander... he wanted to see you as soon as possible, the fact that he was so far away from your side was unbearable. 

"My lord, I was able to take a photo album from her house... if you want I-"

"Give it to me and shut up!" He growled annoyed, Pettigrew placed it on him and Voldemort began looking at each picture with great longing, seeing your face made the fires of desire burn hotter and his obsession grow to new heights, he smiled darkly as he was later on informed that the first trial was complete, now it was only a matter of time before he was reborn.... and he was already counting minutes until his reunion with you.   

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