Chapter 59: Conflicts.

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It came as a shock to you when you and Narcissa spent a total of six hours talking and scheming a plan to get rid of Umbridge for good, apparently that woman had attempted to charm Lucius and Narcissa didn't appreciate that Dolores acted as if it was nothing bad. After that, however things took a turn for the worst.

You watched with a blank face as Dumbledore announced that the new Defense against the Dark Arts teachers was going to be Dolores Umbridge, much to your own disgust. You were doing your best not to snap at her, seeing as this would be unprofessional but it wasn't until she interrupted Dumbledore in order to speak that your manners were blown away.

"With all due respect, miss Umbridge I would like to remind you that you can talk only after the headmaster is done. Therefor I believe you should give our students an example and apologize for interrupting headmaster Dumbledore so rudely." You stated loudly, waiting until she was done and she turned to look at you shocked, some students chuckled at that and Dolores saw clearly how favored you were amongst the students. She also knew that having an open war with you was a truly bad idea as the minister himself was terrified of you. 

"Indeed, miss (Last Name). Sir Dumbledore, please accept my sincere apology for interrupting you. My excitment got the best of me." She apologized with a fake smile and you smirked.

"Thank you (Name)." Minerva whispered and you chuckled.

"Anytime." You replied and then the feast went on as always. You watched as Alexander talked with his friends and laughed, you felt so at peace when you saw him so carefree. Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted, when Dolores cleared her throat and you turned to face her with a mild expression.

"Lady (Name), I would like to talk to you in private." She requested and you silently stood up, motioning for her to lead the way. The two of you went outside and when she turned to look at you, she was no longer smilling.

"What do you want?" You asked coldly and she took a sharp breath.

"I can see clearly, that you do not like me. However, as you know this is something the minister wanted me to tell you. He begs of you to reconsider and side with the ministry, over the past year you have restored your pureblood name and have gained great wealth as well as influence, this can assist the ministry as a force of justice."

"My loyalty is with those who believe me, with those that are my equals. Tell the minister this, IF he ever tries to harm anyone in this school and if YOU do anything to sabotage anyone in here, you will both learn a harsh lesson and I will make sure you never forget it. Am I clear?" You warned as you leaned forward, your gaze filled with rage and disgust as those cold, hatefull words left your mouth. Dolores gulped, it was clear that you could become intimidating when you wanted to... and she was still not strong enough to turn against you.

"B-But... don't you think this is a bit too much? Why would Dumbledore speak such nonsense about the one who must not be named?"

"Because it is the truth, as it is true that I have bore him children." You revealed and her eyes widen, it had been known to the world that the dark lord had once taken a woman who had given birth to his heir though no one knew who that woman was or who the dark lords offspring was. 

"You mean... your son is..."

"Not only him, the child I carry in me is also the dark lord's. And I believe you need to face a simple fact, even the Death Eaters wouldn't sit by if the son of their master or his old mistress were threatened and insulted... and I am sure you remember what happened in Azkaban." 

"You are the one threatening me!" She insisted and you chuckled.

"No, Dolores. I am simply reminding you of a few facts. I will take a while away from school due to my pregnancy BUT don't think even for a moment that I won't be watching you." You hissed and then went back in, leaving Umbridge to think... if only you knew the mistake you had done, Umbridge wanted power, more than anything... and now she knew that your son was the offspring of the most powerfull wizard that ever lived.... if she could somehow find a way to charm Alexander... she could gain power not only over the minister... but also over the remaining Death Eaters as well.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix had been blasting things and screaming at the air, simply put, her madness was at its peak. Narcissa had told her about Umbridge and what that woman had done as well as the sick affections she had about him. Needless to say, Bellatrix didn't like that one bit.

"AAAAH! THAT PATHETIC TOAD FLIRTING WITH THE YOUNG MASTER?!!! I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE SHE SUFFERS WORSE THAN THE LONGBOTTOMS!!!" She screamed, Bellatrix had decided that Alexander was also her master, she had also decided that if she ever had a child... she'd want it to be exactly like Alexander and thus had crowned herself Alexander's second mother. She was in love with the Dark Lord and thus, his son was her son... and now someone was trying harm him.

"Calm down,(Name) has declaired war with Dolores Umbridge and the minister. She won't let her get to the boy."

"And I'm supposed to trust her?!!!" 

"Alexander trusts her and so does the Dark Lord." 

"With good reason, really." Lucius agreed and Narcissa smiled at him.

"What are you three talking about?" Fenfir interrupted, he had been training some of the younger members of his pack and so he had scratches and a bit of blood on him. Narcissa told him everything, despite her clear disgust. Fenfir became as angry as Bellatrix and then they all went to Voldemort who upon hearing the news, smirked.

"I wouldn't worry, my son has proved to be a cunning strategist and an excellent schemer. He must have already prepared the scene and that woman will fall right into whatever he has planned." 

"Still my lord, that woman might do something to the Dark Lady." Lucius pointed out and Voldemort frowned, he didn't want something to happen to you, at least not until your child was born. He planned to issue punishments but still HE was the only one with the right to do anything to you.

"Very well, Lucius tell your son to get close to that thing and report to me at once. I will make that vile creature realize who she messes with." He ordered and all of them smiled.

"Yes, my lord."

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