Chapter 39: Allies reunited.

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You watched the students leave with Harry staying behind, thankfully Alexander and Jane stayed behind with him on purpose to ensure things went according to plan. Tonight Sirius would meet you in this very spot and you somehow had to cover up for him. 

Suddenly you were distracted by someone walking, George and Fred, both came to greet you and you smiled. They were troublemakers but you really couldn't help but cover for them on many occasions

"I thought you'd go out and show some of your tricks to the public." You joked and they chuckled.

"Not really, it's much better in here." George replied and Fred came closer.

"Professor, we want to tell you something but we would like you to keep it a secret." He whispered and your eyes widen, his tone was serious and you began to worry, George brought out a map you've seen only two times but knew it well enough, the Maraudes map.

"How on earth did you get that?"

"We... borrowed it, without anyone knowing." Fred mumbled and you wondered if that's why they aced your pop quiz last week. You decided not to scold them from stealing from a professor's office since you were more curious about why they wanted you to know they had the map.

"Yesterday morning, we skipped Snapes lesson and played a prank to a few Slytherins, when we were searching for a quick to get to your class for that pop quiz though we saw Sirius Black on the map and just a bit further was Peter Pettigrew... how can that be?" They asked and you were shocked to say the least. 

" Oh dear, that might have been because of a spell I did... I found an artifact that was nearly ruined and used a spell to make it the way it was before but I might have done something wrong when I pronounced it and perhaps it affected the map. Besides Pettigrew is dead, so it's impossible for him to be here." You lied and they hummed, they seemed to believe it and then turned to each other.

"What about Sirius Black then?"

"Kids, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew used to be friends... the timeline where the artifact and the map were created was the same, so it's no surprise that their names appeared when I casted my spell." You explained, trying your best to keep that lie as believable as possible. Sirius had been impatient and you understood why but that might had been a big mistake on his part. 

"Cool!" Both exclaimed and then left you, once they disappeared you left a heavy sigh. That was a really close call, you were glad it wasn't Remus they tried to talk to about that matter, you didn't want to imagine what would happen if they did. 

Now, you had to learn why Sirius came yesterday and not today as you had agreed. You moved to your office where you stayed there and waited patiently, later on Alexander came and he seemed concerned.

"What's wrong, my son?" You asked, he sat down and looked at you.

"Harry has the maraudes map, mom... if he sees Sirius in the map... and to top it all up he revealed to me and Jane he also has one of the three Deathly Hollows, the invisibility cloak."

"What?! Oh no.... this is bad... and after what happened earlier." You muttered and Alexander looked at you curiously, you then explained to him your earlier discussion with the twins and he paled.

"I'll go find him, mom you need to keep an eye on Harry." He responded and then Jane entered, she was panting and looked at you both.

"Harry... left.... Hogwarts... invisibility cloak... couldn't see him... oof!!!" She said while trying to catch her breath, you offered her a warm cup of tea as she sat down. You were both glad and scared that Harry wasn't around. 

"So there is no way he can see Sirius on the map but... the public might put some ideas on his mind regarding Sirius." Alexander mumbled and you growled.

"That cursed rat! If only we could kill him without going through all this secrecy!" You hissed and Alexander nodded.

"Mom, I will talk to Harry after he comes back... see what he has learnt. I promise you, I won't let Pettigrew escape." He declaired and you hugged your son, he was such a dedicated and loyal boy, he had a heart of gold.

"No, I've placed you in enough trouble already. That's not something a child your age needs to worry about... if only I could think of something more effective." You argued and Alexander moved back to look at you.

"I don't care if that's something I shouldn't be thinking. My life was far from normal after I entered Hogwarts... besides Harry is my friend and so is Sirius, not to mention that you have been fighting for much longer than anyone I know. You fought my father for years, you struggled to give two boys who lost their parents the love and support they needed, you always supported me... I should be the one to help you now, mom." He insisted and you wondered... how could someone as cruel as Lord Voldemort be the father of someone as sweet and kind as Alexander. 

"Besides, I might be having a crush on Harry." Jane interrupted and you turned to her, you smiled and extended a hand to her, she took it and you embraced both of them, feeling lucky to have these two with you at a time like this.

 After Harry came back to school Alexander talked to him as he had said and was shocked when he heard Harry say that Sirius Black betrayed his parents. While the boys were talking Jane found Sirius and told him what had happened from beginning to end, he told you he would be at the shrieking shack and told her how to get there. 

Meanwhile you were in your office and hadn't got out until all students went to bed... or at least that's what you thought. As you were about to go back and sleep, Remus came and he looked awfull. The full moon was approaching and he was getting worse as a result.

"Remus, you're the last person I want to see right now!" You groaned annoyed but Remus showed you the maraudes map.

"I believe... I owe you and Sirius an apology." He muttered and you were dumpfounded.


"Snape caught Harry lurking around with the map... I found them both and took the map, Harry told me he saw Pettigrew in the map... and so did I." He explained and you left a heavy sigh. It was about time!

"Finally." You said and hugged him.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now