Chapter 56: Letters.

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You were sitting in your office, reading a letter sent to you by Narcissa. Apparently your sister and Sirius weren't with the Death Eaters thanks to Pettigrew messing things up, among those that were to capture your sister and Sirius you learnt that Fenfir was involved, you still hadn't forgotten what he had done for you, it was thanks to his help that you survived the attack of that smaller werewolf... you planned to make things easier for werewolves, forcing the minister to create a few new articles in favor of werewolves giving them access to many jobs and priviliges similar to those of wizards, there was now even a bank where werewolves could take a small amount of money per month to help them live until the could get a proper job. 

And Xavier along with Jenny helped you a lot, Xavier hired many werewolves and gave then well paying jobs, he even went so far as to ensure they were treated with respect and equality. Jenny and Anne had opened a large house where werewolves could stay for free if the money they had wasn't enough to help them go on and needed more time, it also worked as a hospital and a nursery. 

"It seems things are going well." You muttered when suddenly two new letters arrived. One belonged to Fenfir and the other to Kathrine. You decided to read your sister's letter first as you were extremely worried for her well being.

Dear (Name)

I know you have been worried sick because of me and Sirius and so I wanted to inform you that we will be heading to the human realm as you wanted, we will be living in France until I give birth, Sirius wasn't happy about it but after Harry, Cedric and Alexander talked to him, he agreed.

I also want to apologize for not writting sooner and for having you worry so much, I never wanted to see you this stressed because of me. Also I would like to request that you do not lecture the boys for interefering... they really had the best of intentions. Narcissa Malfoy has also given me a large amount of money through Draco and Alexander. Please thank her on my behalf and tell her that I plan to  repay the favor one day.

Yours truly


You sighed in relief as you finished reading, you were so glad that Voldemort hadn't caught them... and you suspected Lucius and Fenfir played a big part on that... you planned on thanking them personally fo that. Narcissa and Draco also deserved a token of your graditude. They had been nothing but supportive and despite the small fights he and Alexander had... it was clear that they were getting along a bit more now. You eyes fell on Fenfir's letter and you were curious as to what he wrote to you.

 Dear (Name)

Writting letter's ain't my specialty so I'm getting down to business and not annoy you with prologues and stuff.

I want you to help my subordinates get proper jobs, you are by far the best thing that's happened to us in a long time. You and your little group have given us a lot... I plan on showing my loyalty to you and help you in any way me and my pack can. I also need your help however, living under the minister's commands isn't the best. A friend of mine will come tonight to get your answer.


You chuckled at that. For a beginner he wasn't half bad... anyway you were sure you could get some of them to work for Xavier or better, they could help Daniel and Anne as they were now expanding their buisness, they had a chain of pubs and restaurants... they needed recruits and Fenfir's subordinates seemed like a good choice. 

Fenfir was a monster, what he did to Remus, was horrible but you knew the lengths he'd go in order to protect his own kind... his bloodlust was scary and his hatred towards the ministry made you anxious... but he had proved to be loyal and a great ally despite his background and brutal entertaiment. 

You began writting to Xavier and Daniel at once, explaining everything to them and requesting their help... after you sent the letters off you continued your day, teaching and helping students... breaking small fights and at times, boosting their confidence to go on. Suddenly you came across Cedric and he smiled at you warmly.

"Professor, it's nice to see you." He greeted and you smiled back.

"You too, Cedric. How are you doing lately?" You asked gently.

"Very well, thank you very much. What about you, professor?" 

"I think you know. I just received a letter from my sister where she explained everything to me." You revealed and he blushed at that.

"Well, considering what you did for me and the other champions... we owe you a lot more." He replied and you pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you Cedric, you can't begin to imagine how grateful I am for your help." You whispered and he hugged you back.

"Alex told me everything.... I... I just can't help but admire you... to go through so much and still stand strong..." 

"That's my mom, alright. Always the fighter." Alexander interrupted and you looked ahead surprised.

"Don't scare me like that, Alexander." You scolded gently and he chuckled.

"Sorry, won't do it again. But mom, shouldn't you be resting?" He asked and pointed at your belly.

"It's far too early for me to take a break, besides you all are behind other classes because of my absence."

"That wasn't your fault, mom!" Alexander objected annoyed that you were yet again, blaming yourseld for something that was not your fault!

"Maybe so, however the damage is done... anyway, you both should get going. You don't want to be late for class, especially since Severus is your next professor. I can see those surprise tests coming your way. " You teased and the two of them left in a hurry, you turned around to leave when you saw an oddly familiar figure... your blood froze as you finally recognize him. 

Hiding in a dark corner, looking straight at you with a sick, evil smile and eyes that would haunt you for months... was Voldemort himself.

"I came to get you, my dearest."

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