Chapter 10: Excitment.

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It's been four days since you made the agreement with Tom and things weren't looking up. Tom had been extremely cryptic about his reasons to stay with you, not to mention the creepy stares you'd get whenever you happened to enter a room he was already in. 

The first person who came to your house after you sent the letters was William and things... didn't turn out well as both males mocked each other openly. Had you not stopped them, you were sure there'd be hexes going around faster than you could say your own name.

Today however, you and your friends were having that party you had been planning for so long, you'd spent the day and night there and you would also try and confess to William, Tom was aware of it and it displeased him greatly the fact that you held such affections for someone that wasn't him. Too bad for him, you had no intention of canceling it.

"Tom, you are not responsible for my life. I can be with any type of boy I want and you have no say to this." You stated in a calm tone, he sighed and looked at you for a moment before coming closer.

"You are a very stubborn girl... it makes me wonder just how far your stubborness can go." He commented as his eyes locked with yours, you saw the usual darkness of his gaze vanish for a few brief moments before it returned as he looked behind him, you heard Williams voice and you knew that he was here to escort you to the party. 

"I guess you'll not get an answer today." You told him coldly and left. 

He growled and sat on your bed, he looked at the ceiling and considered his next step carefully. Things were going well so far, so ther was no reason to rush... his next target was an easy one and he knew he would succeed.

 He would keep his promise to leave you alone during all of your remaining years in Hogwarts... but once you both graduated he would make sure you understood who was the leading figure between the two of you, he would make you his and you would submit to him regatdeless of wether you were willing or not. 

He planned on keeping you close for as long as he saw fit and no one would dare oppose him then. He smiled to himself feeling euphoria and something so strong and warm... he wondered if that was what others called love... he thought it'd be impossible for him to love somebody yet he couldn't explain that emotion. If he was indeed in love with you... it was bad news for your stubborn and resistant side, very bad news.

Meanwhile you had been staring at a ridiculously large mansion that was four or even more times bigger than yours... at this point you were certain it wasn't that big when you last visited him. 

"Xavier said they did a few renovations but..."

"That's not "a few" renovations." You continued and William nodded.

"He said they only planned to add a bedroom and another living room."

"Maybe if we're talking about the size of Hogwart's grand hall then we've hit the mark... because that doesn't look like adding only a bedroom and an extra living room."



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