Chapter 15: Love.

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Right now...  at this very moment, might had been the best of your life. The reason? William actually asked you to be his girlfriend!!! He really did it!!!

"Uh... ahaha... I..."

"So?" He asked, his face completely red. He rubbed the back of his head and wasn't looking at you. It was kind of cute.

"I.... yeah... yeah, I'd really like that." You responded, looking at your feet... god this was embarrassing but also so good to be true. 

"Oh for God's sake just kiss already!!!" A familiar voice exclaimed, you both turned and saw your friends looking at you from a distance, the one who shouted was probably Daniel.

"What are you guys doing?!" William shouted and they all came closer. Jenny gave you a cheerfull smile and you looked away.

"Rude much. Spying on us like that." You mumbled.

"I bet you wanted him to kiss you." She whispered in your ear and you glared at her.

"Jenny... quit it." You warned and she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I just couldn't let it slide like that. You tease me about stuff like that all the time, so I wanted a bit of revenge." She whined and you sighed. 

"Come guys, the next class will start soon, we have professor Dumbledore so this is bound to be interesting." You mused and all of you left, a cheerfull atmosphere around you all. 

That, however, came into contrast with the aura of a certain male who was enraged with what he heard and seen.  

"That wortheless mudblood.... he had the nerve to try and take what's mine!!!" 


Okay, so things were getting weird... every so often you'd find a flower on your bed, you had asked William but he knew nothing about it... which made you sure it was Tom. 

He seemed to be back to normal... and by "seemed" you meant he was clearly not fine with you being with William, you could guess that if he could, he would do something about it. 

Too bad for him Dumbledore had been watching him like a hawk, not a day passed that he was not spotted somewhere close to him. It made you feel safe to know you had such a strong ally. Which was the reason why most of your days were peacefull and kinda boring so far.

You had just returned to your dorm where you found yet another flower on your bed, this time it was a carnation, you shrugged but picked it up anyway. You placed it on a small vase but as you did so, there were some groans of annoyance.

"Honestly, who would want to send YOU flowers every day?" One of your roomates growled.

"I don't know and I don't care." You scoffed, your tone showing the lack of interest you had for the gesture. Which seemed to upset them more, because not a single one of them, had the same courtesy.

"My point exactly, a freak like you can't possibly charm a guy. You're plain, a kill joy and a complete nerd." Another spat hatefully.

"At least I haven't gone to detention twelve times. Nor have I been called a whore, a moron or a coward." You sneered at her and she hissed at you.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't, the students of the school did. And as for the detention, it's not really a secret. Although you should be considered a disgrace to Ravenclaw for barely passing your classes." You continued in a harsh and clearly annoyed tone, she glared at you but couldn't really say anything. You had been one of the top students and a prefect, you had rejected the position of head girl much to everyone's surprise but they didn't push you.

"You're really annoying."

"Maybe so but I do NOT neglect my duties as a student. And as you can see, it rewards those who are diligent." You shot back and got on the bed, you had already finished your homework for this and the next week. It was good to be on guard when it came down to academics and assignments, you never knew what to expect with teachers.

"Whatever." The girl mumbled and left in defeat, she'd probably go and whine to her friends. You took the chance to take a nap, you had been exhausted since you had two tests today and a study lesson with William and Daniel.

As you were sleeping, a figure silently entered the dorm room... Tom Riddle. He walked towards your bed and sat nearby, taking your sleeping form in. 

This had been going on for a while now, whenever he caught you sleeping he'd stay close and watch over you. He felt cheated when you showed preference to William than him but he really couldn't hate you... and he couldn't give up on you either. 

Every day he'd see you kiss William and be so gentle.... that made him remember the kisses he gave you, every time you looked at William with loving eyes he imagined that same adoring gaze directed to him. 

Day by day he wanted your affection more.... sending you flowers like that was the only thing he could do without you being hostile. An idea popped in his mind as he stood up again and got on the bed as well, pressing himself closer to you and waited for your reaction... by instict you came closer to the source of heat near you and curled on it. Tom's eyes were clouded with lust as a smirk appeared on his face, one that soon became a psychotic grin as he watched you smile in your sleep. His obsession took over as he brushed your cheek, he leaned forward and sniffed your hair, leaving a heavy sigh before kissing your forehead lovingly.

"Once I become the most powerfull wizard of all time... you will definetely be mine. And then you'll realize how much better your life will be by my side." He whispered, he began wondering if that was how his mother felt for his father... that filthy muggle. 

He wondered if this bittersweet feeling was indeed as powerfull as many said, there was the saying " love conquers all" after all. Love had conquered him... or rather, you had. 

And he would conquer the wizarding world as the supreme lord he was meant to be, then he would create a heaven for you and him... he would make you immortal, he would help you obtain eternal life and stay with him till the end of time. He slowly got off, making sure not to wake you up. He decided to be a little more patient and give you some more time with that foolish male... either way you'd be his and you'd learn to love him... just as he did.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now