Chapter 69: Children.

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You stared down at the children, all four of them. Alexander was playing with his sister Cassiopeia while his brothers, Charles and Gregory were busy looking at their father with curiosity. Tom was by no means trying to touch them but he was happy that there was no hostility from the boys side. As for you... you were surprised that Alexander wasn't trying to take the two boys as well. 

"They are all very quiet." He commented and you nodded, the triplets were like Alexander when he was a baby, silent but they expressed themselves very clearly. Cassiopeia, had taken a liking to her dad and had showed it, raising her tiny arms as proof of it. Had it not been for Alexander's stern glare and your clear distrust of Tom, she would have been in his arms right now.

"Indeed, they are very gentle, sometimes I fear I might hurt them if I am not carefull myself." You agreed in a mild tone. Tom didn't mind it, since he was the one who named the triplets, he was certain he had made progress.

"Don't you think it's time to go? You've been here long enough, Tom." Alexander interrupted while looking at his sister with a smile, his tone was playfull but the words made it clear, he was at his limit.

"I will be back, besides this is my family. I won't leave you unprotected." He assured and you frowned.

"We are protected, we don't need your help, I assure you." 

"Come now, my dear. You know better than anyone that I consider you anything but weak AND helpless but having me around helps a lot. Besides, now that I've revealed myself to the world, your precious Harry Potter has been justified, correct?"

"It's true. Because of what you've done, Dumbledore and Harry are no longer considered liars. And Fudge has officially left the ministry."

"But that's not all my dear, just because your little Potter is alive, doesn't mean I will stop." 

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's clear, the war that suddenly stopped with my disappearance, will begin again. And this time I hope you'll make the right choice and join me." He revealed and that made the atmosphere hostile in seconds. 

"You know my beliefs and opinions. Don't you dare ask me again." You muttered darkly, Tom sighed, he really didn't want to ruin the progress he had made, he should have guessed that this would have been your reaction. He left the room and the second he was gone, Alexander brought Cassiopeia back and put her with her brothers. 

"Mom, what are going to do? He's not going to stop."

"Of course he wasn't going to stop.... but at least Harry is going to live..."

"Do you really believe him?"

"He might be cruel and twisted... but I don't think he'd say such a lie to me."

"I do, he'd do anything to get on your good side. He can pretend it was all an accident or some other scheme." He argued and you sighed.

"It's my fault that you can't trust him, isn't it?"

"No it's not. He chose that path on his own, I'm sure that when my siblings are old enough, they'll feel as disgusted as me and will see him for what he really is."

"I... I don't know, I can't call him a monster anymore, not after what I saw today." You sighed and even Alexander had to admit, he never thought his father would show such a gentle and loving side of his.

"But mother... there's also something else."


"It's Bellatrix... I think she's pregnant."


"Yes... and if I had to guess, her husband has nothing to do with it."

"So she got your father, after all."

"Lucious Malfoy said that she had been impersonating you a lot, even trying to act like you, as if she was your twin sister. From your pattern of speech down to the most minor body movements you make." 

"So that explains how she got him... though, I still can't believe he actually fell for it."

 "He said it was a very long time ago plus there was foul play."

"Doesn't matter, what matters is that you are going to have yet another sibling... and with Bellatrix being the mother... I have many reasons to worry."

"Why not ask him to give the baby to you when it's born?"

"I can't just take the baby, besides I don't even know how she'll treat her child."

"It's not about her being an affectionate, it's about the morals she's going to pass on to her child!" Alexander stated and you sighed. He was right, Bellatrix was obsessive, sadistic and determined... it would only lead to disaster if that baby was to ever be anything like her.

"We can't take action against her... but I need you to inform everyone of Tom's intentions." You requested and he nodded, that was the best he could do for now and so he left to return to Hogwarts.

As for you, you were not sure what to do... you definetely weren't going to support the Death Eaters... but you had been tired, tired of fighting Tom all this time... and dragging your children in a second war wasn't what you wanted, you had to find a different way to solve this. The first time... you lost many dear friends of yours, this time you wouldn't let it happen again.

A knock on the door made you look up, it was Jenny. A warm smile appeared on your face, you still hadn't apologized for attempting to bite her hand when you were giving birth... yeah, you still had no idea how that happened.

"Looks like you're much better." She noted and you chuckled.

"Yeah... sorry for biting you... I mean, trying to..."

" Don't worry, you were better than when I was giving birth. I actually punched the doctor."

"Oh, Xavier never told me that."

"Because I punched him first, he fainted and then I punched the doctor for talking nonsense."

"Good lord, you really don't look like the aggressive type."

"Labor does miracles."

"Painfull ones." You commented and she laughed.

"Still, you get to enjoy the rewards for it." She replied and looked at the triplets who were teasing each other stretching their arms and legs, kicking and grabbing each other unintentionally. 

"Yeah... it really is worth it."

"So...their father came and paid them a visit."

"How did you learn that?!"

"I saw him leave the room, he then vanished into thin air. I must admit, I'm surprised that you didn't scream when you saw him."

"Things have changed. And my view of him has changed, a bit."

"I never thought I'd live to ever hear you say it."

"I still don't see him the way he wants, I don't think I ever will... but I know that he loves my children and that he has a heart, I know that he can love and act more like an actual human being rather than a heartless monster."

:And you still tell me that you don't like him?"

"I... It's not easy, you can't possibly expect me to just accept him after all I've been through."

"He's been through a lot too... and his torture began when he was only a little boy.  At least we had a good childhood."

"I know... but still..."

"Look, if you really think you're never going to love him, that's fine. But at the very least, give him a chance to feel like he belongs somewhere. You gave Fenfir that chance, you gave it to the Malfoy's...." 

"I'll think about it." You groaned and you honestly meant it, maybe you wouldn't love Tom, maybe you'd never give him the love he desired... but maybe you could give him the chance to get to know his children, he deserved at least that much.... right?

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now