Chapter 94: Romance

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Not long after you left for your honeymoon, you received news of an opposition made for the sole reason of destroying what once were the Death Eaters. The one leading them was Albus Dumbledore's brother,  Aberforth. His reasons was unknown, seeing as you had never met him, you knew that the two brothers didn't have the best relationship, since Aberforth blamed his brother for the death of their sister.

Thankfully, it was a small number of people. The one in charge of finishing them off was Snape, who still had some sort of loyalty to the dark lord... the reason being uknown to you. Probably as a way to ensure that the only remaining person that reminded him of his beloved Lily survived, Harry. 

Tom told you not to worry about this matter, seeing as the public were now learning everything that had occured and how Tom could have been way worse had you not entered his life at all. About how he really did change and about how his first son went through a lot, how you both fought to earn the happy ending you were living now.

"Darling, you've been staring outside the window for twenty minutes straight, is everything alright?"

Tom's voice brought you back to reality. Turning around you gave him a smile and nodded to reassure him.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was simply wondering... why did they appear now? What is there to gain from all this? The world has accepted our family, therefor their actions are pointless."

"Don't mind them... it won't be long before everything goes back to how we want them to, we've been through so much... even when I was your enemy, you refused to let me have the last laugh."

You chuckled at his words, that was true... you never stopped, you wanted to protect what you loved, your friends, your family... everything that meant something to you. And you wouldn't give up now, when so many things were finally within reach.

"Thank you, Tom. That means a lot to me."

"Don't mention it, right now though, we should focus on spending some time on our own. Our children are back home with their aunt and uncle. Jane, Harry and Neville will also stay there, I have also placed some loyal followers of mine to watch over them, nothing bad will happen while we're away for these three weeks... then they will join us and we can spend the rest of the month as a big happy family."

Tom's words made you calm down completely... you knew that your own friends were also watching over the children but some extra protection was more than welcomed.

"I see... now then, what do you want to do?"

At that Tom began thinking, he brought out his wand and made a nearby piano play the same waltz you had danced at the wedding.

"May I have this dance?"

"Hahaha... sure."

And with that you gave him your hand, he wrapped his other hand around your waist, bringing you closer, slowly the two of you began dancing, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

"You're a wonderfull dancer, my dear."

"You're the one in the lead... come to think of it, how do you know how to dance?"

"Let's just say that I was planning on asking you for a dance at your birthday when we were still students."

"I would have said no, back then."

"A boy can dream. That had been a very constnt fantasy of mine, back then."

"I see.... you were surprisingly romantic. I still remember the flowers you'd leave on my bed back when we went to school."

"Well, you didn't want to see me so I couldn't deliver them in person when you were there."

"I have a feeling that was for the best. Thinking back, my roomates were furious that I had flowers on my bed and they got nothing, they even tried to take them once and place it on their beds...and then I realized that you had placed a hex on the flowers."

"Naturally, I would only ever give flowers to you. Whoever dares touch what was meant for you must be punished in one way or another."

You chuckled at his words and kissed him gently. His dark side was scary... but sometimes when it was mixed with a childish envy... it was kinda cute. Mostly because what he needed was a pat on his head and a kiss and he'd become a tame puppy.

"Thank you, you can't even begin to imagine how hard I laughed when I went to my room and saw them have pig ears and a tail."

"Well, they should have honored Ravenclaw and thought the whole situation over before acting."

"And as always, the sneaky Slyherin had set a trap for the occasion."

"Blame the raven for being too smart and charming."

The two of you spent the entire time in your own little world, recalling parts of the past and enjoying the difference between then and now.

Meanwhile Delphini simply refused letting Alexander leave, probably because he had been playing with her for over an hour. He just felt that he wasn't really doing much for her. His mind went back to the recent chat he, Harry and Neville had. 

Alexander quite literally dragged Harry in front of Ginny, told her what was going on and then had the two of them talk it over. Moving on to Neville he was shocked to learn that Jane had actually went on a rampage against those that made fun of Neville, she hexed students, left, right and center, warning them that things would get worse unless they shut up.

"And all I could do after hearing this was nod with my mouth open... I can be such an idiot at times." He murmured as he placed a small wooden unicorn next to Delphini... she turned her interest to the toy and examined it, later on showing it to Alexander as if asking him to explain, thankfully the triplets entered the room carrying tons of their own toys to play with Delphini.

"Big brother, can I ask you something?" 

Alexander looked over at Charles and nodded with a smile. Out of all three, he was the most polite, with Gregory being second.


"When will you and Luna marry?"

At that Alexander was left staring, a huge blush on his face... he had forgotten that he, himself, had explained what marriage is to his younger siblings. Mostly because they had been confused about your marriage with Tom. So, he just said that once two people love each other a lot and feel ready, they get married.

"Uhhh... I don't know?"

"But she's funny! And she has nice hair!" Cassiopeia argued and Gregory nodded.

"She gave us candy."

"I don't know if she wants to marry me!"

"She does!" Cassiopeia responded with determination.

"How do you know?"

"Our big brother is the best! That's why we know that she wants to marry you!" She huffed and the the two boys behind her nodded. It was a funny scene, looking at three children trying to act like matchmakers.

"I... will think about it. So... what toys did you bring along?"

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now