Chapter 81: Personalities.

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After that shocking event with Voldemort and Harry, things were much calmer and much more pleasant for everyone... well, almost. People were still acting like your children were a plague and you were seriously fed up with all this nonsense. Things got weird when all of a sudden you were nominated to become headmistress in Hogwarts... that was the second most shocking thing that had happened to you in the last couple of days. 

However you decided to give greater attention to the triplets were now officially showing parts of their personalities. Although they were calm and never really cried, they each had different personalities and were already showing interests in different things. They were now almost a year old and though they didn't speak nor really walk, they would crawl around the house and explore their surroundings.

Cassiopeia was mostly interested in picture books and liked to draw in any blank page she could find, she also interested in playing ball with her brothers, pretend to cook something and then ask you or someone else to eat it... she was really a ray of pure sunshine. She also seemed to like watching you teach some students in private and helping them improve. On that note, she had taken a liking to Fred and George who would occasionally bring items they used to play tricks on others. She laughed every time but never seemed interested in trying any of them herself, which was a relief for you. 

Charles loved to explore and touch everything, from plants to animals, from books to small statues... he even seemed interested in small things like the textures of wood, fabric, fur... anything really. Unlike his sister he didn't seem to like the items the twins brought with them, seeking you or his father all the time. He prefered activities with the bare minimum of noise, like drawing, picking... or rather pull flowers, petting animals... he was also a bit shy, not knowing how to deal with new people. Thankfully, all it took was Cassiopeia or Gregory to go that person and he was already trying to make friends with that person.

Gregory was the one who prefered sleeping over pretty much anything. He didn't seem interested in anything aside from you, his father and siblings. He was always looking at you all and at times, he would try to mimic what you were all doing. There was even a time, where he took a spoon and an empty bowl and pretended to cook something. Another he would go and draw with Charles and then play ball with Cassiopeia... and when Harry, Alexander and Neville were around he would just demand attention by raising his hands in the air while in front of them.

What all three of them had in common, was their love for their father. They adored him and they would show it all the time when Tom was around. If they had made a painting, which was usually just random lines and some shapes, they would immediately show it to him and then ask to be held. Tom, naturally, was more than willing to interact with them and he would stay close to them at all times. 

"I guess it's only fair. Alexander grew attached to me so the triplets will grow attached to you." You told him as he stood next to the window, watching as the triplets drew something.

"Well, I am attached to our family, so I hope to earn all the love that I can from you all."

"My, my... even love has limits, you know?"

"I've already destroyed those limits. I've been infatuated with you ever since we were students and I've only grown to love you more every day ever since."

"Well, I need to do something to pay you back for all the years of neglect." You whispered with a smirk and Tom chuckled, pulling you into a hug and resting his head on top of yours.

"Then stay with me from now on. We are finally together and that is the greatest happiness I can wish for."

"What about the mission of all you purebloods."

"Some magical blood is better than no blood at all, I believe I can do something to make my followers accept that idea. Don't you think so?"

"I am sure that you can. You've managed to terrify the entire magical community for years, surely that idea can be brought to life."

"Well, I'll do it as long as you and our son approve of it. The two of you are the victims of the world's madness right now."

"I can handle it. I'm mostly worried about the triplets and Alexander... they have so much to do... so many things to learn... I really don't want them to suffer so much because of the past."

"Well, I have some news for you that might improve your mood."

"What is it?"

"Peter Pettigrew and Dolores Umbrindge are dead. Both tortured by Fenfir and then killed by Bellatrix."

"For real?!" 

"Did you honestly think I'd let them get away with a few scratches and a good amount of fear? They deserve this much after all the trouble they caused."

"Tom, I don't like the idea that they are dead because of me."

"Don't worry, no one is ever going to miss these two. Also, I am proud to announce that all of the Dementors have been sealed away. Not even the devil will be able to free them now."

"That's good to know, thank you Tom."

"No need to thank me. Also, I've arranged for Harry, Alexander and us to dine together, in two days." 

"H-Harry agreed?" 

"He wasn't sure but Alexander assured him that I was being honest."

"It's good to know that he trusts you so much... considering how long he thought of you as a monster."

"I was a monster. Perhaps I still am."

"No, Tom. You're not, you've proved to me that you're not... I have seen it with my own eyes."

"Thank you, my love."

"I only speak the truth." You replied warmly and the two of you shared a slow, tender kiss. After that the two of you spent the rest of the day together, watching over the triplets and enjoying each other's company. It was safe to say, that the triplets weren't the only ones whose personalities were slowly being revealed. 

You had met Tom Marvolo Riddle, the wounded and heartless boy... Voldemort, the man who became the very face of terror and cruelty, who tormented you for years... and now, you've met Tom, the man who treasured you and loved you... and the man who you also cared for just as much.

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