Chapter 78: Power

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After Pettigrew was taken to Hogwarts, everyone went crazy. Sirius nearly blasted Pettigrew, had it not been for Kathrine he would have done it. When you told them that Voldemort was the one who decided to bring justice to that traitor, they were reluctant to believe you for obvious reasons. Harry was less than happy to see you in favor of the man that had killed his parents but after everything you had done for him... maybe he could, at some point, accept your relationship with the dark lord... you, Alexander and all of his friends had made his life better, he knew that he could have gone through far worse had it not been for you.

Alexander on the other hand was, for once, looking forward to his next meeting with his father. After people from the ministry took Pettigrew and said they'd hold a "trial", it was pretty much obvious that Sirius was finally free. However, all of these thoughts were interrupted when he saw Luna, she was walking around wearing a large green hat with a small trumpet on top. He chuckled as he thought that she looked cute and got closer to her.

"Nice hat, I have to admit I am impressed." He commented and Luna smiled.

"Thanks. I was looking around for Billywigs." 

"Those vivid blue insects? Their sting will make you giddy... followed by levitation."

"I know." She replied, it was simply so typical of Luna that Alexander smirked, god he loved her so much! He didn't know why Luna wanted to find them, nor did he know how on earth there were Billywigs in Hogwarts but then again, he wouldn't be suprised if there were a whole army of them around. Suddenly, someone arrived proclaiming that they had a gift for his mother, he led them to you but the person who recognized the newcomer was Sirius.


At the mention of her name, you were both surprised and happy to finally meet her in person after so long. From what you remembered, she was the second member of the Black family that you liked, Sirius being first, as one would naturally expect. 

"I wanted to meet the person who actually made my sister talk to me again, after all these years." She revealed as her gaze fell on you. Your eyes widen at her words, you hadn't told neither Narcissa nor Bellatrix to make amends with Andromeda since you believed these two wouldn't listen anyway, not like you'd ever want to see Bellatrix again, much less try to talk to her. 

"I didn't talk to either of them. Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about." You confessed sincerly and she looked at you suprised.

"Oh my! I just thought that Narcissa would have asked for your advice before making the decision to meet me. She spoke very fondly of you, after all."

"She did? Well, she isn't as... disturbing as the eldest one, so I guess I should be too surprised." You admitted, trying your best not to say "a psychotic lunatic with a hormonal problem and a serious case of delusion", which was very, very hard... that's Bellatrix we're talking about, after all.

"I'm sorry... it's because of our parents that she turned out this way... the Death Eaters and Azkaban only made it worse." She apologized and you felt bad for poor Andromenda. 

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, why are you here?"

"Oh! I wanted to bring you a gift. I don't think that you are aware but my daughter, Nymphadora... also speaks highly of both you and your sister." 

"Ahaha... thank you but... is she okay? She's been acting a bit weird lately." You asked, thinking back to before Dumbledore's death, Tonks had told you that she had fallen in love with Remus and that she wanted to enter a relationship with him... you, in turn, told Sirius about it and he "interrogated" Remus in order to discover his opinion on her. After confirming that he too, was attracted to Nymphadora,  you asked Kathrine, Anne and Jenny to bring the two together.

"Well, it's a long story." She sighed and you nodded, looks like you'd need a cup of tea for this.

"How about we talk in my office?" You proposed and she nodded before the two of you left. 

Meanwhile Bellatrix had taken her time torturing Dolores Umbridge, surprisingly not with Cruciatus curse. She used any other spell she could think of, making sure not to kill her, yet making sure she suffered greatly. And then she decided that using magic was boring and she could find more ways to hurt that woman without it.

"To think that something as disgusting as you had the nerve to try and get close to the young lord!" She hissed, death glaring Dolores. 

From behind, Voldemort was enjoying the show. It was nice seeing the creature who tried to get close to his family out of pure greed, in pain and in agony. Of course, right now he was a judge, he had to decide the fate of that thing. It was a difficult decision, he could send her to Azkaban and have the Dementors drive her mad, then kill her... or he could bring her before you and Alexander... and kill her on the spot. 

In the end, he decided to actually torture her in a new way. He knew that Umbridge hated anything that wasn't purely a wizard... and he happened to have one of the most dangerous werewolves in his army. One bite when he was in his werewolf form... and she would go through a whole new level of humiliation. 

"Bella, bring Fenfir here at once." He ordered coldly and Bellatrix stopped carving the words "filthy wench" on Dolores arms, she smiled and bowed at her master.

"Yes, my lord." She replied, leaving immediately. Dolores had passed out, she couldn't take more of Bellatrix sadistic methods of torture. Too bad, Tom still thought she hadn't suffered enough. 

"Well, you should have foreseen that." Voldemort muttered after taking a good look at her.  He waited patiently and once both Bellatrix and Fenfir were in the room he ordered them to release Umbridge and put her in a cell. Both were surprised but obeyed, afterwards he told them of what he planned to do with her and Fenfir laughed wickedly. He didn't care about the dark lords orders anymore, the idea of having such a snobbish woman suffer in such a way though, was to his liking, even more so if he could later on appease you and Alexander by telling you this.

After all that, Tom decided to see the triplets. He couldn't help but worry, after all they were the children you gave birth to, the children that you and him had created. He knew that Alexander was safe but he hadn't heard news of the triplets for a while and so he ordered for them to be brought to him, after they had informed you, of course. 

He was the most powerfull wizard of all, his power had made him rise above others... but it was that very same power that he would allow you and your children to use in any way you saw fit. If you didn't know that already, he was going to make sure that you'd eventually figure it out, the most powerfull wizard of all, was also the power that would make sure everything went your way, no matter the cost.

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now