Chapter 25: Boys.

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The remaining moths went by swiftly but not carefree. Dumbledore had said that the child of Lily and James Potter was the one that would defeat Voldemort and that they had to be kept safe... because of that you hadn't seen both of them in a while, the only one who knew where they were was Peter Pettigrew and you didn't like that all.

You believed it'd be Sirius since he was going to be the baby's godfather and even though he said he didn't mind, you could tell that the lack of trust did have it's toll on him. William had stayed close to you as a brotherly figure and a guardian. You had left the wizarding world and went to the human world, to be more speciffic in Rome. There, hidden from the Death Eaters and with your friends around to support you things seemed to go smoothly. It wouldn't be long before your child arrived... and when that happened you'd have to make a decision. You didn't know if the power hungry tyrant, lord Voldemort would let the child live... you were scared that he might see your child as a rival both for his throne as the strongest wizard alive and as number one in your heart.

"Why do you care about HIS opinion?" Daniel asked.

"I don't care about that man's opinion, I care about my child's life and he is a threat to that.

"Look, the child that he will go after isn't yours. Our friends are well hidden and only two people know where they are, Peter and Dumbledore." William assured you but you frowned, for some reason you just didn't trust Peter.

"That isn't neccessarly a good thing, traitors hide everywhere." You muttered darkly.

"Dumbledore would never betray James and Lily!" Jenny objected and you looked at her confused.

" I wasn't talking about him, I meant Peter." You replied and Daniel along with William scoffed.

"I still can't believe he was a Gryffindor." Daniel admitted.

"Daniel!" Jenny scolded annoyed with their mocking but Xavier sighed and spoke in their defense.

"It's true, Peter is a coward and always hides behind powerfull people. I mean... from what Sirius, James and Remus told me... he was scared of people stronger than him and was a bit on the slow side in general." 

Anne seemed worried upon hearing this but didn't reply. You slowly stood up and walked towards your window. You shared her worry but so far you only had your suspicions... and that wasn't enough to accuse that man of anything, you needed proof if your suspicions were valid.

"We just have to wait and-"

Before you could finish your sentence you stopped as you felt a wave of pain consume you, you instictively brought your hands on your stomach, you opened your mouth but no words came, you fell on your knees and everyone panicked. It took you only a second before you realized you were going to give birth right here and now.

"(Name)!!! Oh my god!!!" Jenny exclaimed horrified.

"Take me to a hospital! NOW!!!" You shouted as the pain increased, it made you think that you'll be torn apart, tears fell from your eyes as you tried to stand up. Because you were all new to the human world you lacked a lot of things, one of them was a car. When the abulance finaly came, you were hesitant but went in anyway. Thankfully it wasn't a long ride and you got to the hospital rather quickly. Though that didn't help with the pain it was a relief that you didn't have to worry about obstacles that could get in the way.

"Miss (Name), how are you feeling?" Your doctor asked and you felt like punching her, you had a baby that wanted to come out... HOW DID SHE THINK YOU WERE FEELING?!

"Good... but the baby isn't too happy in there." You groaned as you took deep breaths, the doctor nodded and she slowly began guiding you, telling you to push... unfortunately as one could guess, words and actions had a major difference! You were exhausting yourself while trying to do so, apparently your baby was upside down and that made things all the more difficult.

"Come on, don't give up now. We're almost there!" She informed you and you breathed heavily, you vision was getting blurry and the voice of the doctor was getting distant. The pain was still there but you were feeling tired, you pushed again this time harder and you heard the doctor shout at a nurse.

"I can't take it anymore!" You cried out but she looked at you, determination in her eyes.

"It's one last push, you have to do it." She stated and from her tone you knew she was honest, you took one last deep breath and used your remaining strength to push one last time. Seconds later you blacked out, not knowing what had happened. 

 When you opened your eyes you saw the plain white ceiling of the hospital, you blinked a few times feeling your body heavy, the next thing you noticed was something warm right beside you. Turning your head slowly you looked to your right side and saw the face of an adorable, sleeping baby. You tried standing up with no luck, so you decided to at least turn fully to your child... only for the door to open and for your friends to come in, all suprised to see you awake.

"Well, finaly!" William exclaimed with a smile.

"What happened?" You asked, sure your baby was here but the details were still unknown to you.

"You had been out for three days." Anne explained and your eyes widen... three whole days?! How?! Why?!

"Oh god... then... what about the Longbottoms... and the Potters?"

"Lily's baby was born yesterday and so did Alice's. By the way all three of you have boys." Xavier stated and you blinked.

"Oh my, this is quite a surprise." You confessed and Jenny chuckled.

"By the way, your parents called. Your sister got into Gryffindor." She announced and you smiled, three good news in one day. It was too much to take... William helped you stand up and you finally took your son in your arms.

"So... what's his name? I doubt you haven't thought of something." Anne teased and you chuckled.

"I want to name him... Alexander, like my late grandfather."

"Don't you think you should honor the father's side of the family too?" Jenny asked and you shot a glare at her.


"But (Name)... he IS the father. And besides names are just names."

"I know but..."

"Look, his name was Tom Marvolo Riddle right? So how about Alexander Marvolo (Last Name). Sounds like the name of a prince." Anne proposed gently, you closed your eyes and knew that just as you gave your grandfather's name to the baby... you had to at the very least show some respect to the ancestors of Tom's family even if you didn't know nor wanted to have any connections with Salazar's decendants.

"Fine. Let it be... by the way what about the other two boys?"

"Oh! Alice named her son Nevil and Lily named hers Harry!" Jenny answered cheerfully.

 You smiled at that, three boys and all three were born safely and healthy. Who knows, they could end up being the best of friends if everything went smoothly. 

"I guess we're truly lucky that Voldemort can't find any of us." You murmured, not aware that the very man you spoke of, was already in the move. 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now