Chapter 33: Encounters.

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As time went by and as more students got petrified you began to worry, the cure would take more time than expected, the diary was nowhere to be found and two minutes ago, you saw your son talking to a snake, considering that you walked around the corner and the first thing you saw was a snake... yeah, you were quite shocked. Well, after a few minutes you took the serpent to your office where you made sure that it wouldn't really hurt anybody while Alexander took his time speaking with it.

Alexander for his part had been fairly worried but mostly curious, he wondered if his father would actually try and take him and you in the Chamber of Secrets. And although he knew that both you and Dumbledore would scold him for what he had done, he researched about horcruxes when he heard you tell Dumbledore one day about them.... he would have been in big trouble if he had been caught eavesdropping on you two and he'd be in even more trouble when he found out that book about horcruxes.

On the bright side he knew how to destroy it and what would happen to his father if all of them were destroyed, a part of him didn't really wish to force this fate upon his father and was hoping that he could at least try and make him feel some sort of remorse and take part of his soul back... however his main worry was finding that diary and destroy it before one of his friends got seriously hurt.

"Mom...  I know I just met it but...about the snake... can I-"

"You can keep it, Alexander... I was just surprised to see that this rare trait was passed down to you after all and that you don't only speak but completely understand them." You stated and he sighed, he knew you were scared of his similarities to his father.... and he hated the fact that these similarities caused you such pain and agony. The scars he had left made Alexander hate his father more... even more so when he'd hear Harry and Neville talk about their parents, day by day he was creating an image of his father according to what the three strongest figures in his life had said... a cold hearted, manipulative, selfish and hatefull man that was responsible for his creation. And while the image of his father became worse, your image became better day by day. That made Alexander admire you more and see you and his friends as true heroes.

"Mom... I will never become my father, I promise to use the Cruciatus curse on myself should the day ever come." He vowed and your eyes widen.

"I don't want you to harm yourself, nor do I believe you'd do the mistakes your father did. I just want others to see it too... many students here don't know that you are the son of the Dark lord... and by the time they've figured it out, I want you to be known not as a cruel person but for what you really are, a jewel among jewels." You murmured lovingly and kissed his forehead while hugging him, Alexander slowly moved away and suddenly something caught his eye, it was Ginny Weasly... Ron's younger sister, she seemed pale and weak. 

"Mom... I've got to go... I'll see you soon!" He excused himself and ran towards Ginny. You didn't pay it much attention since you heard a scream, you run towards the direction of the sound and saw one of your favorite students, Hermione Granger petrified. Your eyes widen in horror as you moved forward gently taking the girl in your arms.

"This has gone too far. He has gone too far." You whispered, seconds later Ron and Harry came closer, you turned to the rest of the students and told them to leave at once. 

As you were busy trying to make sense in all this chaos Alexander had discovered who had taken his father diary after he returned it to Lucius Malfoy and that Harry had also come into contanct with his father... what he didn't know was that the one talking wasn't entirely Ginny. Just before he could turn around and leave he lost conscious and fell on the ground, unaware of the plan that had been formed behind everyone's back.

 Hours later, you had been in your office drinking a cup of tea and trying to suppress your tears of frustration, your students were getting hurt and you could do nothing to stop it... you were useless and powerless.... suddenly you shook your head as if escaping from a train of thoughts that could have gone horribly wrong.  Suddenly you looked up and saw Ginny, she was crying and she seemed horriefied.

"Professor (Name)! It's terrible!!! I can't take it anymore!!!"

"Ginny what happened? Why are you crying?!" You asked and went to her side at once. 

"It's Alexander! He was taken to the Chamber of Secrets!" She exclaimed and your mind stopped along with your heart... Alexander was in the Chamber of Secrets, YOUR son was in the Chamber of Secrets with a Basilisk and most likely his father's diary?!

"Take me to where you last saw him." You ordered firmly, Tom was NOT going to get his way... he would NOT harm someone you cared for again. Ginny led you to the girls bathroom where she revealed the entrance, as you were about to enter... you heard her giggle.

"Oh my... this getting too easy."

"Ginny?" You asked, however when you looked into the eyes of the girl you saw a darkness only one person could contain in their gaze alone. You tensed up as the girl smiled in a very creepy, yet familiar manner.

"Three out of four, it is." She mused before she raising her wand. You moved forward but halted when the wand was held out higher as a warning.

"Let her go Tom. She did nothing to you in comparison to me." You hissed to the soul of the boy who plagued you with his existence. However his next words next words echoed in your mind as the world around you was changed because of one word.


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