Chapter 72: Mistakes Pt.1

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You stood and watched as Alexander played with his siblings. The dinner with Tom didn't go as you had hoped... Alexander agreed for your sake but it was clear that he was angry with you. He wouldn't look you in the eyes and would avoid talking about it. That had been his way of showing he was displeased with something.

Despite the relatively peacefull mood, you could tell that he was still not ready to accept Tom, just like you weren't exactly ready to admit that the person you hated ever since you were a student, wasn't as big of a monster as you believed. You knew that you would never forgive him for killing Lily and James Potter, for killing that girl back when you both were students and certainely you wouldn't forgive the fact that he threatened your family and actually raped you again and again. Your children were a blessing, you'd never consider them anything less... but the situation that led to their births wasn't one you desired.

"Mom, do you think I can kill Nagini?"


"I know that she used to be human... I also know that the only reason she seems to like me is because like the dark lord, I can speak to snakes. You can be sure if my brothers or sister have the same ability she will like them more than she already does."

"You know that a part of his soul is in that snake, right?"

"One more reason for me to actually do it. Or at least I can convince him to take that shard back and the kill that thing. She actually had the nerve to try and eat Cleo!"


"It's not your fault, mom. I just don't trust him... how can I trust a person who has done so much damage to so many people? Someone who would definetely go back on his word just to ensure he'd reign supreme?!"

"What do you mean?"

"Just because HE says he won't harm Harry, it doesn't mean I should believe it. Even if he actually means it right now, no one can be sure that he won't change his mind later on."

"Your father always kept his word. He once promised to make my school life a nightmare... and he did." 

"I know... I've made you tell me so many times... it might actually be my fault that those memories keep haunting you."

"No, no, it's not like that. Listen, I never loved Tom back then... I never wished to devote myself to him and his delusions... but at least, he gave me you and the triplets. The only good thing from all this drama was that I got you, Harry, Neville... I met wonderfull people like Remus, Sirius, the Weasley family... and you made true friends."

"And... I also got a... a..."

"A lady friend?" You teased and he blushed, looking away as he placed his sister down, he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.

"S-She's really cool, she's a creative and very pleasant spirit."

"I saw Luna and she is indeed a very incredible girl. I wish I was as honest and true as her. Even if she makes a situation awkward, she's still pleasant and cute."

"I know! God I... I... I never thought my first crush would be like this."

"Like this?"

"I was always scared... I look so much like him... I was scared that I might actually follow in his footsteps... and act like he did when he fell in love." 

"You are far too good to act like he did. I doubt you'd actually sneak in Ravenclaw's female dormitory just to see her."

"That's both creepy and impressive." He admitted and you chuckled.

"Tell that to your father."

"Can you please not call him that, mom?"

"I'm sorry..." 

Wings of darkness (Yandere Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort x Reader).Where stories live. Discover now