29 - It Was Not Him?

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Chapter 29: It Was Not Him?

Waiting inside his car, in the parking area. Rajveer waited impatiently while staring at his phone screen. After finding out about a girl inquiring about her real parents, he wanted to know who she was, thus he asked to see the court order and after reading her name, he managed to find a man to pass him further information on her.

As soon as his phone buzzed, he unlocked it within seconds and tapped on the message, seeing an image of Swara along with her details.

"Shekhar Gadodia's daughter?" He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and looked away from his phone screen in amusement.

"If she's finding her real parents, does that mean she's not Shekhar's biological daughter?" He asked himself and stepped out of the car, with his coat and briefcase.

Many scenarios ran through his mind and he closed the door, locking the car with his key. "I swear, if Shekhar Gadodia took my daughter then I would be the end of him!" He grit his teeth as he spoke, storming towards the entrance of the hospital.


Despite hearing their conversation, Swara was in disbelief yet she decided to pretend as if she hadn't heard anything at all. She inhaled a deep breath and walked towards them, changing her expressions.

"I've submitted the DNA samples." She uttered, stopping in front of Sahil. Sheesh and Sanskaar turn towards her, surprised to see her.

"Shall we go?" She asked, and they sighed a relief thinking she hasn't heard.

"Yeah." Sanskaar replied while Sheesh and Sahil nod their heads.

While walking, Swara glanced at Sanskaar for a second and looked away instantly, starting to feel awkward and uncomfortable whilst recalling his words.

Rajveer watched Swara leaving and looked on, surprised yet confused.

"Why. . . Was she here?" He wondered and entered the hospital, heading towards the receptionist. "Excuse me, sister. . ."

The receptionist faced him, "Yes Dr Rathore?"

"This girl. . ." He unlocked his phone and tapped on his gallery, pressing on Swara's image and showing it to her. "Why was she here?" He completed and the receptionist glanced at the photo for a while.

"This girl was here to submit a DNA sample, she just came out of the DNA section and left a while ago."

"Okay. Thank you." He replied and moved his head in a direction, starting to walk.

'DNA test. . .' His mind thought of an idea that could clear his haunting confusion. As he clenched his fist and ignoring his heartbeats, he entered the DNA & Gene Therapy section, standing in front of the ward boy that was sat on the desk.

"Dr Rathore. . ." The ward boy stood up, staring at Rajveer. "Is there anything I could do for you?"

"Just recently, Swara Gadodia submitted her DNA samples. . . Have they been sent to the lab?"

"Not yet sir, they're still here." The ward boy replied and pointed at the bags on the desk. "I will send it later on."

Rajveer shook his head, "send it down now and request an emergency test. . . Also, I would want to give another sample for testing."

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