06 - Half Culprits

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Chapter 6: Half Culprits

She drops onto her bed, wiping her tears, closing her eyes to remember what had happened. Not remembering clearly, she clenched her fist and creases her forehead, squeezing her eyes to remember.

"Sanskaar." The name that left her mouth and the flash of her falling onto him plays in her mind.

Though she could not get a clear image of what had happened, she remembers falling onto Sanskaar. "It has to be him." She says, opening her eyes and now believing it's Sanskaar who did this cheap act.

"I hate you Sanskaar. I hate you." She angrily shouts, grasping onto the pillow and throwing it on the floor and urging to lash out on Sanskaar.


Sanskaar throws his phone on the bed, falling back and starts thinking about what he had done.

"Why do I feel like I did the wrong thing?" He asks himself, not feeling the peace he needed.

He was feeling slightly guilty due to his act, he felt like he was suffocating every second he breathed. He wasn't even sure if he had the courage to face her tomorrow, if she comes to college which he thinks she wouldn't because of this stupid act of his.


Swara had laid back on her bed, shivering in her wet clothes and she pushed her phone away from her. Not wanting it besides her anymore, her eyes were wet and the water slowly slid down.

"Why wouldn't Kavita answer and reply."

Her sobs start to fill the silence room and she closes her eyes, not being able to cope up with all of this. Her life was over and all because of that one video which the boys thought to make 'just for fun' without realising how much damage it could cause. Now her life, which was already in her father's hand was about to be handed to the person she hates, her fiancé, Jayant.

Life had always been a struggle for her, she didn't receive what she wanted from a young age as her father had been too busy pampering his only son, Sameer while she was neglected. Nayonika tried to be friendly with Swara but Swara didn't like her as she believed Nayonika is the reason her mother left her, forever.


The night had left as the sun rose, preparing itself and the others for a new beginning. Some were encouraged to take a step while some were demotivated.

Swara, despite being broken and hurt had decided to wipe her tears and compose herself, for a fresh start and that is why she made her mind to go to college rather than sit home like a coward.

On the other hand, Sanskaar was nervous yet ready to go to college, he knew Swara would kill him after what he and his friends had done. Though he never thought it could get serious, he knew that Swara would lash out at him, which was kind of scary as Kavita would find out this is a plot spread by them just to remove Swara out of the way.

"I think they drugged her." Sahil assumes, whispering it to them.

"I'll get my camera ready." Sheesh smirks and Sanskaar nods.

"Never knew it will happen this soon. Good luck." Sanskaar utters, knowing they can execute their plan.

After the boys had drugged Swara, Sheesh, Sanskaar and Sahil decided to go with the plan they kept on hold, he would never expect to see another side of Swara which had been smoothly kept hidden. No one could've had an idea there is a soft side of her too.

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