26 - List

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Chapter 26: List

Sat on the chairs, in the waiting area. Swara nervously fidgeted with her drape, while he merely watched her fight her own thoughts. She seemed composed, yet lost. Like a child, unable to find her parents after separating from them in a fair. She needed comfort, assurance and he knew that, however he was now scared, to loose her amid this. She clearly dislikes him, and if his closeness began bothering her, she might never see him again and he did not want that under any circumstances. He wasn't sure what to do, hesitant to even speak to her at this point.

"Are. . . You, okay?" He mustered courage, loosing against his refusal as he ended up asking her how she was.

She faced him after putting a pause on her chain of thoughts, "do I look okay?"

He shook his head as a response and she looked away, staring into space again. "Why would you ask then?"

He stayed quiet, and lowered his gaze and she exhaled, "what kind of people do you think they'll be?"

"Hmm?" He wasn't expecting her to speak to him, yet instantly responded as he lifted his eyes to meet her face again.

"My real family. . . What type of people do you think they will be?" She asked again, this time wording it differently and he gave it a thought.

Unable to control herself, she passed a tired sigh as her eyes began to well up. He was definitely not the person she wanted to open up to, even if he was the last person alive on earth, yet, today, right now, she is overwhelmed with too much to handle.

"I don't even know why I'm here to waste my time. . . Is it worth finding out? After this sudden confrontation with the truth, deep down I was glad to know that I wasn't Shekhar's daughter, but now the question that haunts me, that scares me, is, 'are my real parents good people?' Do they still exist, do they still remember me? Who's blood is running through my veins. . ."

He understood her point, and inhaled a deep breath, ready to console her. "I know, it must be hard to answer so many questions by yourself, when you don't know the answer to them. You would keep thinking, on loop, and still have no answers until you see it yourself. Until you feel it happening. But always know Swara, even if they aren't good people, they don't define you. You are, who you are. Don't loose yourself while trying to find them."

She faced him with glassy eyes and he nodded at her, his words gave her comfort, but in a way which released her tears. The tears she hated, were now rolling down from her eyes, in front of the person she disliked.
She was scared, to face this truth and be hurt once again, hesitating to prepare herself to accept it. Sometimes she just wished that she would just ignore and move on, without having the urge to find out who she actually is and who brought her to existence. But a part of her just pushes her towards the journey of discovering her actual roots.

"Excuse me." Swara inhaled and wiped her tears and Sanskaar turned his head, glancing at a nurse, who stopped in front of them. "Are you, Swara?" She nodded her head, glancing up at the nurse and the nurse passed her a small smile, "Hi, your request was approved."

Surprised, the two flap their eyes at her. "Really?"

"Yes, your lawyer will email us the permission paper in a while, so there isn't an issue in us sharing the details."

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