0 1 - The Thorn

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Chapter 1: The Thorn

Xaviers College:

"She's frikkin hot man." Boys whisper to each other as Kavita walks down the corridor, talking to one of her friend.

"Ufff." Few boys sigh and touch their chest, feeling their own heartbeats.

Sanskaar was whistling and his whistle stops as his eyes land on Kavita.

A small smile curves up his lips and he touches his chest, feeling his heart beat.

"She can never be yours dude." Sahil, Sanskaar's friend says while patting Sanskaar's back and bringing him out from his lala land.

"Watch me." Sanskaar, in a challenging tone utters and walks towards Kavita.

She stops and looks at Sanskaar who was smiling at her.

"Hi, my name is Sanskaar and I would like to be your friend."

Kavita arches her eyebrows confusingly with a small smile.

"Umm. . ."

"No." The two hear a voice and look to the side, finding Swara standing there.

"Why not?"

"Because she doesn't want to be your friend, now leave her alone." Swara says and walks away with Kavita.

Sanskaar's face falls and Sahil walks towards Sanskaar. Kavita turns around to look at Sanskaar and his face lights up, Kavita shakes her head in disbelief with a smile and turns back around, walking away with Swara.

They hear a chuckle and look to the side, seeing a boy standing there.

"Keep dreaming Sanskaar. When the biggest thorn is in your way then how can you get her?" Sanskaar's other friend Sheesh says while smirking and Sanskaar frowns at his words.

"That thorn pricks everyone, like for no reason she starts a fight. I accidentally pushed her yesterday and she started barking at me." Sahil irritatedly sighs while referring to Swara.

"Forget the thorn, my focus is on Kavita." Sanskaar says and starts walking.

"Little does he know the thorn should be his focus." Sahil says while following him and Sheesh shakes his head in agreement as well as he follows Sanskaar.

Soon they stop opposite Kavita and see her talking to Swara. Kavita notices Sanskaar and he waves at her with a smile. He then blows a flying kiss towards her, stunning her as well as Sheesh and Sahil.

Before the kiss could reach Kavita, Swara grabs it and stands in front of Kavita, looking at Sanskar. She then looks at her fist and brings it closer to her lips while looking at Sanskaar. He creases his forehead confusingly and she pretends to spit on it and throw it on the floor. She then crushes it beneath her foot making Sheesh and Sahil laugh.

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