35 - The Truth Came Out

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Chapter 35: The Truth Came Out

"And we're finally free!" Sheesh exclaimed, stepping out of the hall with Swara, Sahil, Sanskaar and Kavita, waving his degree in the air with a laugh.

"Aren't you guys going to stay and meet the teachers?" Sanskaar questioned while staring at them and they shake their heads negatively, not really wanting to.

"We met enough, we don't need to meet the whole college. . ." Sahil trailed off and then smirked, "let's go grab food, all five of us and Sameer." He added, casually uttering as if he was close with Swara and Kavita.

"And when did we get close for you to say this to me?" Kavita sassily uttered while flapping her eyes, looking down at him.

"Let's grab food, and keep in touch. I don't want to be missing you guys." Sheesh spoke while blinking at Swara and Kavita, genuinely wanting to keep in touch with them.

Now that graduation was over too, there is no coming back here or for them to see their classmates anymore. It felt sad, that now they would be leaving everything here and moving on with their life.

Swara looked at Kavita who shook her head negatively, refusing and Sameer managed to join them. "I took pictures, you guys looked funny. . ." He muttered and scoffed, staring around to see them simply staring at him.

"What did I miss, why do you guys look so serious?" He asked, and Sahil cleared his throat, "we were just wondering if you're okay with grabbing something to eat?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind, as long as you're paying." Sameer uttered and Sahil curled a faint smile, while Sheesh interrupted "great! Let's go."

"I didn't say yes." Kavita replied and Swara held her hand, "they're paying so it should be fine." She added and Sahil and Sheesh scoffed while Sanskaar smiled. "Yes, they're paying." He uttered, backing out from the 'they' Swara had mentioned.

"They? It's him." Sheesh uttered and backed away too, Sahil scoffed and nodded. "Fine, I'm paying."

"I'll go to my family and meet you there later on, text me the address." Sanskaar uttered and started rushing away.

They watched him rush off and started walking, while walking Swara's eyes made contact with Rajveer's eyes. He was stood at a distance, curling a small smile at her. She returned the smile and glanced away. His eyes moistened and his heart felt heavy.

'Despite being so close to me, you're still so far.' He inhaled and turned his head to the side, staring at Ragini who was confused. "Dad, are you crying?"

He shook his head negatively, "something went into my eyes." He lied and wiped his eyes, pretending to get something out.

"Are you sure?" She asked, making sure and he curled a smile nodding his head at her. She believed him and then smiled, "Dad, can we buy food on our way home? There's this new place that opened and I wanted to try their food."

He nodded his head at her and her eyes beamed with happiness, she locked her arm with Rajveer's. "Thank you Dad!" She chirped and started walking with him.


Janki was continuously staring at the entrance that lead to the car park from the campus. She watched few students leaving with their parents and continued watching, hoping to spot Rajveer. Her eyes fell on Sujata, Ram, Durga Prasad and Annapurna who stopped in front of their car.

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