08 - Hate

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Chapter 8: Hate

Swara raised her hand, swaying her hand across, slapping him on the face. He shockingly blinks, feeling a pang of sting on his cheek and soon felt his cheek warming up.

"I don't need your sorry." She utters, crossing her arms across her chest angrily. "You caused enough damage Mr Sanskaar Maheshwari. . . Now leave me alone!" She exclaims, staring at him with disgust.

"Swara, I. . ."

"I don't care, all I know is that seeing your face gives me pain. So get lost!"

"I can explain. I. . ." Before he could complete, she slaps him across the face again.

"Really? You can really explain why you did such a cheap act? Haan?" She questions in disbelief, feeling more disgusted. Seeing his face makes her wanna throw right up on him. "You did all of this to get Kavita. You got her now, right? Now just get your ugly face out of my sight before I kill you! I swear Sanskaar. I hate you from deep down my heart. . ." She adds, gazing at him with seriousness "I hate you Sanskaar Maheshwari. I really do and I don't think I owe you anything. Not even my time."

As she stormed away, his heart felt hollow while her words in which hate was clearly glimpsing, echoed in his ears. Now he feels like he messed everything up, he ruined his friendship and earned Swara's hate.

"I should be happy right. I finally have Kavita on my side. . . I should be smiling. Why can't I smile?" He asks himself, trying his best to smile but the inner him was failing to keep a smile on his face.


Swara was heading towards he class until a message buzzed on her phone screen. She slowed her pace and pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the message, without opening it, she read it and her eyes widened. Another message slid in, piling on top of the previous one.

'Hi Jaan. . . How are you? I'm right outside college and I'm hoping we could go for lunch...?' Swara gulped as her heart started skipping a beat.

"J. . . Jayant." She stutters and her hands start shivering. Before her phone could fall out of her hand, Sahil and Sheesh grab her attention.

"What happened? Why are you behaving like you saw a ghost?" Sheesh wonders and Swara blinks at him, trying to think of a response.

"What will she be scared of? She's a ghost herself." Sahil scoffs and then realises what he said. Swara moved her gazes towards him and looked on.

"And if you don't leave from here within this minute then I'll make you a ghost too." She warned and stormed off.

"Class is here, why are you going there?" Sheesh asks and Swara, without turning replies with "None of your business!"

"She's so rude." Sahil huffs, making a face and Sheesh turns towards him "Forget her and focus on Sanskaar Maheshwari." Sheesh responds and Sahil nods.

Swara inhales a deep breath as she walks outside the college gate. Her eyes land on a silver parked Mercedes and she knew from that moment who it was. She took steady steps towards the car, preparing herself to face him, yet again.

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