17 - Extra Rub On The Wound

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Chapter 17: Extra Rub On The Wound

Shekhar was laying on the hospital bed, sliding his phone out and sitting up. He immediately dialled a number.

"Hello, did you teach her a lesson?"

"I couldn't."

"Why couldn't you! You promised the property would be mine again if I let you be with her for today."

"Why didn't you tell me she loves someone else?"

"What are you saying? She doesn't."

"She does, and that guy is. . . This is so frustrating right now!" The call disconnected and Shekher narrowed his eyes. "Hello, Jayant? Jayant?" He glanced at his phone screen and sighed, clenching onto it.

Few claps grabbed his attention and he looked to the side, finding Nayonika and Sameer by the door.

Sameer scoffed, stopping his claps and faced Nayonika. "This. . . This is the man you love? Seriously?"

Nayonika lowered her gazes, unable to meet Sameer's. "He already fell, so why is he falling low even more?" This time Sameer raised his tone, sounding upset and angry at the same time.

"I can't. . . I can't cope with him anymore. He crossed all limits of humanity. She's his daughter, his own blood and he gave her this. If he can do this to her, will he kill me for something I do?"

"Sameer. . ." Sameer turned towards Shekhar, walking towards him.

"I disown you, right now this very moment. The small bit of respect that I had left, I'm dropping it." He sounded serious and punched Shekhar across the face, shocking him.


"Don't forget I can raise my tone too!" He remarked, glaring at Shekhar. "I'm done being your son! Now watch me be her brother! I'll show you what a brother is and if you lay a single finger on my sister then I'll break it!" He stormed out after saying what he had to say, disgusted by Shekhar's behaviour.

Shekhar looked at Nayonika, who shook her head in disbelief. "You crossed all limits Shekhar, this was too much."

"Nayonika. . ."

"Please stop it now Shekhar, she suffered too much. Please stop." After saying this, Nayonika left the room, heartbroken and disgusted with Shekhar.


"What did you guys do to her?"

"We. . . Didn't do anything." Sahil replied, blinking at Kavita.

Swara broke the hug, sighing as she calmed herself down. "It wasn't them." She softly replied, "It was Jayant."


"He came, all of a sudden and just, started being weird."

"Did he misbehave with you again?" Swara nodded at Kavita and Kavita looked on.

"What the hell! This just doesn't add up, he doesn't randomly turn up. . ." Kavita stopped, now realising and Swara looked at her, getting a hint of what she was thinking.

"Swara! Swara!" Hearing her name being called out twice, she walked towards the hall, followed by Kavita, Sahil and Sheesh.

Sameer stopped, sighing a relief, glad to see her in front of him.

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