18 - A Moment Together

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Chapter 18: A Moment Together

"Really? Did she agree to help?" Kavita shook her head positively, and Swara sighed a relief. "I also. . ." Kavita stopped after sensing someone entering the room, turning her head to the side.

"What's going on? What are you planning?" Sameer questioned, as he stood in front of Swara, curious to know to help them.

"Not sure if we can trust you." Kavita spoke, facing Sameer while staring at him suspiciously. "How did she trust you then?" He scoffed, blinking at her with seriousness. "Because I am trustworthy but you. . . Not sure, how do we know you're not a spy for that Shekhar?"

"And how do we know you don't have any alternate motives behind helping Swara? As far as we know, you're self-centred and selfish, you've only cared about yourself, so I wonder what you're doing here. . ." He insulted, and Kavita stayed silent, merely clenching her fist while glaring at Sameer.

"Enough. Please don't argue." Swara interrupted, "Kavita is not here for any other motive and neither is Sameer a spy for Shekhar Gadodia." Swara added in a stern tone as she glanced at both of them.

"But still. . ." Both Kavita and Sameer utter at the same time, unable to trust each other because of their dislike towards each other.

"There's no but, I know I can trust you two. . ." Swara trialled off, sounding confident and then glanced at Sameer "The plan is to." Swara stopped, glancing at the opened door and walked towards it, her eyes fall on Sahil and Sanskaar, who were stood outside and her eyes briefly met with Sanskaar's for few seconds, before she closed the door.

Sanskaar lowered his gaze while thinking, 'Swara went through so much, and I was so rude towards her. The reason why she dislikes boys is because of her traumatic experience with Jayant, and I. . . I can't believe what I done without knowing Swara's story.' He was even more guilty and ashamed of himself, he felt a void in his heart and curses himself for the deed he done.

Sahil was waiting for Sheesh, feeling awkward to be with Sanskaar all by himself. Sanskaar sighed, leaning against the wall and raised his gaze, seeing Sahil stood at a distance with his back facing him. Sahil tried his best to avoid Sanskaar while he can.

"Sahil. . ." Sanskaar called out, putting an effort in despite knowing it'll be useless. "I'm sorry."

Sahil scoffed, facing Sanskaar. "You're sorry?" Sanskaar shook his head positively, still having hope that Sahil may forgive him. "For what?"

"For blaming it all on you and Sheesh." Sahil rolled his eyes, ignoring him again and Sanskaar continued "I already told Kavita the truth, that I was also behind it and that I was the one who planned it."

"So? What should we do?" Sanskaar cocked his head to the side while Sahil glanced at Sheesh walking towards them. "That doesn't change the fact that you left us to be cursed, mocked and humiliated by the whole college. That doesn't change that we were the evil ones, that doesn't change that you let the whole blame fall on us." Sheesh continued, standing next to Sahil while passing Sanskaar a disgusted look. "You don't deserve our friendship, your only punishment is to rot without any friends! I curse you, you'll die a loner!" Sheesh exclaimed his agony, gritting his teeth afterwards, feeling irritated and angry with the glance of Sanskaar's face.

Sanskaar merely blinked at Sheesh, "what else do you want me to do? You said to tell Kavita if I was sorry and I did. She hates me now."

"But we didn't say we would forgive you." Sahil reminded as he blinked at Sanskaar, "and what have you thought of us? Are we going to beg you to do things for us? Who even are you for us to tell you what you need to do!" Sahil added an exclaim, getting slightly angry.

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