30 - The Unexpected Meeting

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Chapter 30: The Unexpected Meeting

Inside her room, she sat down recalling the recent conversation. "Why am I being nicer towards Sheesh and Sahil? They should get the same energy Sanskaar gets." She exhaled and took her bracelets off. "Oh god, why am I irritated that it wasn't Sanskaar? Why do I still want to dislike him and blame him for it? Why do I feel uneasy?"

She exhaled and took her phone, opening the message from Sahil that was received 10 minutes ago.


Police Station.

Shekhar walked inside the room, handcuffed and in prison uniform, staring at Rajveer sat on the chair on the other side of the counter which was divided by a plastic transparent glass.

Shekhar took a seat and passed him a look, "what are you doing here?"

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

Rajveer clenched his hands and leaned forward, "steal my daughter!"

Shekhar passed him a look, starting to think. 'There is no way Ram and Durga told him about this, they wouldn't have. . .'

"You crossed all your limits by taking my daughter away from me! I will not leave you. . ." He smacked his palm on the desk, and fumed. "If this wasn't in between us then I would've hit you!"

"Why are you getting angry on me?" Shekhar asked, exhaling while changing his expressions. "I did what I was told."

"What do you mean?"

Shekhar exhaled as he stared at Rajveer, "Ram Prasad and Durga Prasad told me to steal you child to avenge you. I was following their footsteps in the name of friendship, and now this is what I got. . ."

Rajveer clenched his jaw, "so they were involved too?"

"Yes, they planned everything and now they're acting like saints."

Rajveer fumed while Shekhar curled a small smirk, "despite knowing she wasn't your daughter, why did you treat her like shit?"

Shekhar hid his smirk just in time and sighed, "why would I treat an enemy's daughter with kindness?"

"I will make sure you get lifetime sentence, even if it means to pay the judges. I will never forgive you for all the PAIN you gave my daughter!"

Shekhar looked on and scoffed to annoy Rajveer. "Do it, I don't care. I'm going to get a lifetime imprisonment anyway so you bribing the judge won't matter."

"You're so shameless." Rajveer spat and stood up, "wasting more time with you would kill my soul!" He further insulted and stormed out.

Shekhar scoffed, "how can Ram and Durga be okay when I'm rotting in prison? Now Rajveer will take revenge from them too." He laughed, finding this peaceful.


Rajveer sat inside his car and tears slid down his cheeks. "Swara is my daughter." He couldn't believe it yet seemed grateful to know that his daughter that all of them assumed was dead is actually alive. He felt sorry towards her, he felt as if it was his fault for everything she's been through.

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