27 - The Beginning

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Chapter 27: The Beginning 

She slowly walked inside her house, nervous and in thoughts but the sight of Sameer and Kavita distracted her. She watched them leaning against the sofa's, fast asleep and exhaled, realising that they had been waiting for her.
She wasn't sure if she should wake them up or let them sleep, still not ready to answer questions she decided to let them be and walked towards the stairs.

After a while, she had changed into her comfort clothes and made her way towards Kavita and Sameer with blankets in her hand. First, she stopped in front of Sameer and covered him with a blanket and after making him comfortable, she moved to Kavita, covering her with the blanket. She exhaled and headed back towards the stairs while thinking.

"Will I be able to find my mother?" She asked herself and continued walking up the stairs. "How should I bring it up. . . Will they even believe me?"

As she headed up, lost in her thoughts, she tripped and fell forward, falling on the floor and hissed.

"Ahh." She sat up and stared at her hand in pain and grit her teeth. "Urgh. Why is everything so frustrating!" She sighed to herself quietly, annoyed and angry with everything that was happening to her.

She stood up and stormed towards her room, exhaling as soon as she entered. She stared at her hand again, finishing a small cut and watching the blood around it. Her eyes creased and anger vanished.

"DNA test. . ." She trailed off and lifted her eyes from her hand, staring in space.


Sanskaar was sat on a bench in a park, blowing on her hands while tiredly staring in space.

"Should I go to Swara's tomorrow?" He asked himself and continued blowing his hands. "We could do a DNA test to find her biological parents, that would be easier." He added and shook his head, "I'll tell her this tomorrow."

He exhaled and lifted his head up, staring at the moon. "Why am I doing so much for her?" He wondered and rested his back on the bench, "why do I feel like she has become someone precious to me? Why can't I just lie and tell my father that Swara had forgiven me and tell her to lie? Why do I actually want her apology and return back to the house rightfully?" He exhaled as he shivered, feeling really cold. He closed his eyes, recollecting his memories with Swara and placed his hand over his chest, feeling different.

His phone buzzed and he opened his eye, sliding his phone out of his pocket. His eyes fell on his screen and he instantly sat up, surprised as he unlocked his phone, tapping on the message. WhatsApp opened and he finds himself in a group with three familiar contacts and two unknown numbers.

'I need help.' He read out from unknown number and creased his forehead.

'What help Swara?' Sheesh's message caught Sanskaar's eyes and he gasped. "Ohh, so this is Swara's number."

'I'll tell you tomorrow, but are you guys willing to help?'

'Sure 😊' Sahil replied with an emoji.

'Of course, as long as you forgive us after that.' Sheesh messaged and Sanskaar instantly typed.

'Yes.' He sent off his message with a small smile, now pressing on her number to save it.

'Sanskaar, where are you?' He received a private message from the group chat which had him, Sheesh and Sahil in.

After saving Swara's number he tapped on the chat. 'I'm home.' He lied and Sahil messaged a laughing emoji.

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