14 - Her Anger

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Chapter 14: Her Anger

Swara impatiently waited by the temples entrance, gazing around to spot Sujata amid the crowd. She impatiently smacked her phone on her palm, continuing to glance around.

After few seconds, a car parked outside the temple and Sujata stepped out, looking around to find Sanskaar as she was assuming Sanskaar wanted to meet her. While closing the door, Sujata heads up and Swara's eyes catch a glance of her.

"Aunty." Sujata turns around, surprised to see Swara. "Swara. . ." Sujata emotionally smiled, touching Swara's head and caressing it with love. "How have you been? I'm sorry we let you go through all of that but we were helpless." Sujata continued, feeling guilty.

"I want to know the truth Aunty, I want to know how my mother died."

"Your. . . Your Father killed her." Sujata unwillingly replied, knowing it would be traumatic for Swara to hear this, not knowing Swara already knew.

"How?" She asked and Sujata looked at her, ready to repeat the past to Swara.


"What is going on?" The Principal asked, staring at Sanskaar walk out with gloves and clogger from the boys toilet.

"Cleaning. . ." He gauged, swallowing his spit to control the vomiting sensation.

"We have a member of staff to do that! You're meant to be in your lesson! First Sahil, Sheesh and now you, what are you three up to?"

"Sir, we are just trying to help."

"I don't need your help. Get back to lesson now or else I'm calling your parents!" The Principal warned and Sanskaar looked on.

The genitor snatched the clogger out of Sanskaar's hand, forwarding his hands and Sanskaar sighed, taking the gloves off and giving it to him. "Next time I see you with my equipments, I will make sure the Principal rusticates you." He warned and walked away, leaving Sanskaar amused.


"This is the truth." Sujata uttered while sat on the bench with Swara, who was sobbing.

"I can't believe he would fall so low. I hate him." She sobbed and Sujata began to console her.

"Beta, I'm sorry. . ."

"No Aunty, don't apologise. . ." Swara trails off, wiping her tears while looking at Sujata. "Help me give justice to my mother, help me avenge my mother's death."

Sujata was shocked to hear Swara's words, "What?"

"Yes, I want to punish him. He separated me from my mother, I am going to separate him from what he loves the most." Swara informed and Sujata creased her forehead confusingly.

Swara nodded, seeing Sujata's confusion and began to inform her about her plan.

After hearing the plan, Sujata places her hand on Swara's hand. "This is risky."

"But it's worth it Aunty. Please, help."

Sujata sighed, shaking her head positively afterwards. "I'll talk to Bhaisa and let you know what he says."

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