0 4 - Sparkle

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Chapter 4: Sparkle

Swara was wondering around on the roads, stabling her balance. She was clueless about the way she was behaving, it was as if something is intoxicating her whole mind and taking control, she slowly felt her nerves being pressed and gazed around, only to view her surroundings with a blur.

Few drunkards, who were moving left and right while walking, stop as they see her walking similar.

"B. . . Bhai. Is, is she copying us?" A whisper of the man behind, with a green bottle in his hand spread and the men gaze at her legs, seeing her stumbling left to right as she walks.

"Looks like she is. Let's teach her a lesson."

"Hmm." The rest hum as they agree.

The man throws his bottle onto the floor and the sound of it smashing stops Swara. She stares at the broken pieces and then at the men who were glaring at her.

"W. . . Why are you copying us?!" They shout, desperate for an answer. Swara curves a pout. "I. . . I'm copying you?" She replied with a question.

"Yes! Why are you walking side to side, like us?"

"I don't know. . ." She utters, frowning at them. "I don't know what happened to me!"

"Stop lying!" The stern tone made her jerk and her eyes glisten.

"I'm not lying!" She responds, sounding like a little child who is trying to convince someone.

The man stumbles forward. "Your punishment! You need punishment. For copying us and lying to us." He stutters and manages to complete it, looking at his friends who agree.

"Yes, punishment. You. . . You need to. . ." They trail off, trying to think.


They gaze at her and she gazes down with her innocent look.

"Yes sing!" They agree and she slightly smiles, her eyes glow up and her cheeks raise as she stares at them.

"I'll sing. . ." She happily trails off, thinking of a song. "Ummm. . . Which song should I sing?" She asks herself, tapping her chin with her index finger.

The men glance at each other, raising their eyebrows at each other.

"Aashiyaan!" She chirps, looking at the men who look at her. She was ready to sing that song. The chemicals from the Alcohol had slowly taken over her mind, making her loose her senses and she is unknown to what she is doing and saying.

"Okay. Sing that."

"Bhai. . . Aashiyaan?"

"Ranbir's song. Barfi. . ." Swara says and he remembered, opening his mouth forming a circle.

"Sing." They insist and she clears her throat with a smile.

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