0 5 - The Video

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Chapter 5: The Video

A small sound left from Swara's lips, disturbing Sanskaar and Kavita. Kavita realises what she was doing and lowers her gazes, instantly diverting her gazes from him and changing her body language. She drags her hand to the door handle of her car and pulls it, opening the car door. Sanskaar helps Kavita slide Swara down the seat safely.

"Thank you." Kavita replies, closing the door and turning towards Sanskaar who curls a faint smile while looking at her. She reciprocates to the smile and starts moving towards the other side.

Sanskaar slowly moves back while Kavita gazes at him, just before sitting inside. He feels excited and happy, his happiness was unexplainable, he wanted to jump and party but had to control in front of Kavita. As soon as Kavita sat inside the car, he felt his heart bashing against his chest, he inhaled a deep breath, staring at the car and as soon as the car moved away, he bit his lips and jumped, behaving like he had achieved something big.

"Yes!" He exclaims, trying his best to control his excitement and he was failing to keep it within himself. She had captivated his move through the mirror and chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Sanskaar!" He turns with a sway and sees Sheesh and Sahil rushing towards him.

"All done! For extra fun we forwarded the video to everyone." Sheesh sighs as he starts inhaling deep breaths after stopping in front of Sanskaar.

Sanskaar's smile slowly fades as he realises what Sheesh was talking about.

"The video must've reached Kavita and now that thorn will be out of the way." Sahil utters and starts scoffing excitingly.

Sheesh and Sahil share a high-five while Sanskaar was stood there, remembering what Swara had said to him, the happiness he should be getting with this news wasn't blooming within him. Sahil and Sheesh were in a party mood after the plan against Swara was a success but Sanskaar wasn't really expecting this, it was as if he had forgotten the plan he had made with Sheesh and Sahil.


Kavita had dropped Swara off to her house. "Take care Aunty." She utters while exiting the mansion.

"Mom! See this." She turned as her son rushes towards her with his phone in his hand.

As soon as he comes closer, he turns his phone and shows her his screen, she holds his phone and starts watching the video.

"This video went viral, my friends brother sent this to me."

"Call Shekhar and tell him to call Jayant." She orders, handing him his phone before walking away with attitude.

She was Nayonika Shekhar Gadodia, Shekhar's lover and second wife, the one who gave birth to his heir and that is the sole reason why Shekhar loves her more.

He instantly dials his father's number, pressing the phone against his ear. "What happened Sameer?" Shekhar utters from the other side of the phone, revealing his son's name to be Sameer.

"Dad, come home now. I have something to show you and Mom said call Jayant but before that, I think you need to come home and see what Swara's been doing behind our back." Sameer says, sounding slightly angry.

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