13 - Half-Blood

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Chapter 13: Half-Blood

With her heartbeats battering against her chest, she walked down the empty roads alone while the tears were dripping down her eyes. Having to know her father was behind her mother's death was indeed an unbearable news for her to endure, she couldn't remember her childhood memories but assumed her mother had passed away due to some other reason and that's why Shekhar had instantly remarried his first love. She never assumed her father to kill her mother however the thought remained in her mind that her father might have been the reason behind her mothers death.

She swallowed and ignored the phone calls, feeling her heart rapidly beat, at last she broke down, crying vigorously, not even bothering to stop. She wanted to yell, scream and shout, but her heart was too broken for that, all she wanted to do now was cry, not in front of anyone but herself. How must've her poor heart felt after the revelation was put forth that her father had killed her mother, the same father who had treated her like a piece of dirt.

But at times her mind wondered why would her father do such a thing and the only way she had was to confront him about it.


Sheesh and Sahil had walked away, leaving Sanskaar on his own. He took a deep breath, closing his phone and sliding it down his pocket, thinking about Swara. Knowing what he had told Swara must've shattered her yet, he is helpless as she can't even stand his face, he knows he wronged her and now wanted to rectify it, through the challenge.

Though he feels this challenge is nothing compared to what he had did, he still has the hope that she would forgive him. He wasn't sure why he was feeling such a void after she had expressed her hate for him and after his friends had distanced. He sometimes feels the guilt overflowing each time he reminds himself why they hate him so much.

As he walked down to the main road, a car stops in front of him. The glass window, in front of his face, slides down as Durga Prasad blinked at him.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"I. . . I was, just here for a walk."

"Why this far?"

"I was just thinking, I didn't realise the distance I had made."

Durga Prasad examined his nervousness and shook his head. "Okay, take a seat and we will go together." Sanskaar made his way towards the other side and opened the door.

He inhaled a deep breath and slid in, keeping his posture and expressions normal.


"Oh god, where is this girl!"

"Shekhar, calm down. She should be coming." Nayonika assured as she keeps her hand on his shoulder.

"How can she leave without telling!" He sighed, being disappointed rather than being worried.

Sameer gave up after calling her a numerous of time. He had started to worry. "She's not picking up. What if Jayant took her or something."

"Why would Jayant do that? I would've known if that was the case." Shekhar responds and Sameer looks at him. "Yeah, like Jayant is your security or assistant that would make an appointment with you before kidnapping." Sameer answered back and Shekhar shakes his head in disbelief.

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