16 - Saved By Them

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Chapter 16 - Saved By Them

"Please Sameer, he's still your father!" Nayonika requested as the ward-boys take him away on the stretcher.

Sameer gives in, shaking his head while walking out with his mother.

"Do you actually think Uncle had a heart attack?"

"I don't know." Swara replies in a soft tone, not knowing why she's feeling a little bad.

Kavita noticed the sadness that she's trying to hide behind her expression and moved towards her, holding her hand. "Don't feel bad Swara. . . You never intended to harm him, you just wanted him to realise his mistakes and accept his wrongdoing. It didn't go the way we expected but don't worry, it's not your fault."

"I know, but. . . What if he passes away? What am I going to do? How will I get justice for my Mother?"

Kavita, to lighten Swara's mood utters "He won't leave that easily. His property, his life-line is with you, he won't leave until he gets it back."

"Hmm, true. . . Maybe it's a stress shocker, not a heart attack."

"Yeah, exactly. The shocks must've been too much for him to handle so he just collapsed to rest."

"Hmm yeah." Swara hummed, now feeling a little better.

"Okay listen, I'm going home to get some extra pair of clothes and I'll come back soon." Swara nods and she hugs Swara, now departing and heading towards the exit.

Swara let out a small sigh, piling thoughts on her mind. 'What if this is one of his act?' She thought, walking forward slowly, now wondering why he would pull off such a charade.

She stopped after hearing footsteps and turned around, widening her eyes in shock to see Jayant standing in front of her.

"J. . . Jayant."

He walks forward and she takes her steps backwards. "You must've missed me."

He holds her hand and forcefully pulls her towards him and she struggled, managing to release herself from his grip, pushing him away.

He inhaled a deep breath, controlling his anger and turns towards her again.

"Don't even think about it!" She angrily warned, glaring at him and he scoffed.

"I know you like me Swara, so I don't see any reasons for you to retaliate."

Swara stared at him in disgust, "That was my mistake. For even liking you for a second."

"And I don't like you anymore! I only hate you." She clarified, revealing that she did like him for a second, when he was first introduced to her, but he tried to molest her and now she merely hates him.

"There's no point in hating me, we're going to be together. . . Soon!" He uttered and she shook her head negatively.

"And what is this? Why am I hearing that you're the new owner of the Gadodia empire?"

She realised and then nodded. "You heard it right. I am the new owner of Gadodia empire. . . And about mine and your marriage, I'm cancelling it! Now I have no compulsions and neither any reasons."

He looked on, staring at her and she curled a new smile. "Continuing the deal is your choice but if I was you, I would step away!"

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