33 - Finally Forgiven

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Chapter 33: Finally Forgiven

Turning sides on the bed with her eyes closed, Janki was frustrated that she couldn't sleep peacefully. 'Why did I meet her?' She wondered, referring to Swara and opened her eyes, flapping them at Rajveer who was sleeping opposite her.

"This marriage can't happen!" She shouted, entering the house while glancing at her father, uncle and Shekhar's father.


"You can't make Sharmishta marry Shekhar."

"Why not?" His father asked and Janki faced him. "She'll never stay happy with him."

"Enough!" Janki's father angrily shouted, "get out from my house right now!"

"Papa, please. . . Don't do this. You'll ruin her life."

"Who are you to decide this? You ran off with a low class and married him!" Her uncle shouted and gazed at her disgustedly. "Now you will tell us who Sharmishta should marry or not? I'm her father so I'll decide!"

"Chachu, I'm saying this for Sharmishta's well-being. She will never stay happy with Shekhar!"

"Stay out of it Janki!" Her father yelled and grit his teeth. "Never ever come back to us ever again! We disowned you!"

"Uncle, please don't make her marry him. . ." She begged Shekhar's father and he stared at her, "why?"

"He loves someone else. He'll never keep her happy."

Shekhar's father was surprised, knowing what Janki was talking about.

"Wah, what is this game you're playing Janki?" Her chachu spoke up, "when we said for you to marry Ram you said the same thing and now when we want Sharmishta to marry Shekhar, you're saying the same thing. Why don't you want to see her happy? Is it because you could never get a rich guy like she is about to?"

Janki shook her head negatively, "I'm telling the truth. Shekhar loves someone else!"

"Just get out from here!" Her father roared and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the exit. "You're no longer a part of this family so don't interfere with our decisions!"

Janki exhaled and her moist eyes closed again, she deciding to ignore the past that was flashing through her mind. Overnight everything changed, from being best-friends with Shekhar and Ram, she was now nothing but an enemy and a stranger to them.


Next Day, College
It was finally graduation day. Students were all rushing inside the campus nervously, in their black cloaks and hats that were given to them by the college. Swara stepped out from the car and closed the door, nervously staring at the campus while Sameer locked the car door.

"Let's go." Sameer uttered and Swara nodded her head positively, starting to make her way towards the campus. Memories of her in this campus occupied her mind and a small smile curled over her lips.

Her heart felt a small void, she wasn't really ready to leave yet. She wanted to stay a little longer. It was making her sad thinking about not being here anymore.

"Hey, Swara!" Sheesh yelled, waving his hand at Swara and Sameer after spotting them near the gates.

Swara made eye contact and glanced at Sahil standing next to Sheesh, smiling at her.

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