40 - Last Chapter

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Chapter 40: Last Chapter

One week after

He breathed out and sat next to her, "are you sure you'll like this movie?"

"Yes, why. . . Won't you?" She turned her head to the side while eating popcorn, questioning him after she swallowed.

"I. . . Will." He lied with a smile over his lips and faces the screen, 'I'm not alone.' He thought to himself and relaxed his body against the cinema chair, watching a male figure take a seat next to him.

"Be honest, you do like horror movies don't you?" She questioned again after sensing his uneasiness and he nodded his head in crystal clear lie, "I enjoy them."

"Really? Cause Sheesh told me that you hate horror movies."

He looked at her again and they made eye contact, "and you still decided to watch it?"

"Yes. Because I wanted to hear it from you not him. But you kept lying!"

"I only said yes because you wanted to watch it, besides it's your turn to pick what we do today so I couldn't say no and ruin your plan."

"It's not about ruining the plan Sanskaar, it's about being honest. You should've told me you hate horror movies, I would've made a different plan."

"How could I have? I wanted to try doing what makes you happy. Isn't that also a way to know what type of things you're interested in?"

"Shhhhh! The movies about to start, this is a cinema hall not your bedroom, so fight outside!" The man behind them interrupted and yelled, annoyed with Swara and Sanskaar's mini argument.

Swara exhaled and turned around, facing him. "Excuse me Uncle, we paid for the ticket. The movie hasn't even started. Everyone else is talking. Even you were giggling with your girlfriend, so you had no rights to tell us off. Do you come here to watch a movie or have an affair?"

"Swara. . ." Sanskaar whispered shockingly and held her hand, while she passed a look to the man who was too stunned to speak.

"You. . ." He had no words and Swara stood up, "rude girl!"

"Let's go Sanskaar. Looks like we are disturbing someone's affair." Swara taunted and started walking away, Sanskaar stood up and followed her.

The man was frustrated and lashed out, "yes, go hold her pallu and run behind her like a puppy. Instead of explaining to your girlfriend you're letting her be rude and out of character."

Sanskaar stopped after successfully managing to get out of the tow and turned.

"Uncle Ji. . ." He trailed off and Swara stopped while standing near the exit, turning around after hearing Sanskaar. "She said nothing wrong." He continued and the man looked at him.

"Before pointing at her character make sure yours is perfect. I'm sure you have a wife, who is being cheated on by you. If you want to talk about character then fix yours and don't be a scumbag!" Sanskaar insulted and walked away, leaving the man to fume.

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