36 - A New Beginning

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Chapter 36: A New Beginning

Opening her eyes slowly, Janki glanced around hurriedly to see her surrounding and found herself laying in hospital's private room.

"Mom." Ragini noticed the movement and stood up from the couch, heading towards her. "Are you okay?"

"What. . . Am I doing here?" Janki asked, sitting up and staring at Ragini, "Where is. . . Swara?"

Ragini's expressions changed, and she lowered her eyes, avoiding eye-contact with an impatient Janki, who stepped down from the bed. "I need to be with Swara right now. . ." She mumbled to herself, wearing her slippers.

"Mom." Ragini stepped in front of her, blocking her way. "Don't bother. . ."

Janki creased her forehead while looking at Ragini, "what do you mean?"

"She. . . She's gone."

Janki was confused, unable to understand what Ragini was saying. "I'll go to her."

Ragini swallowed with moist eyes and held onto Janki's hand, stopping her from moving off.

"Mom, she made a decision. . ."

Creasing her forehead and blinking at Ragini, Janki waited for Ragini to continue speaking, wanting to know what Ragini meant. Ragini exhaled and clenched her fist, starting to speak.

"Swara. . ."

"Am I a joke to all of you?" She genuinely questioned as she met the eyes of everyone looking at her.

She wiped her tears and stared at Durga Prasad and Ram, "why was I dragged into your fights? What had I ever done wrong to you guys? Why was I suffering for the mistakes and stupidity all of you caused?"

Rajveer swallowed his spit, feeling guilty while staring at an upset and heartbroken Swara, who decided not to hold it in any longer. If she had, she would've been tortured by her emotions all her life. 

"Am. . . Am I a ball that all of you just hit whenever you want? I. . . Have feelings too! I. . . Get hurt too! I feel pain too. . ." She sobbed, wiping her tears and holding herself back to continue speaking her mind.

"First. . . I get kidnapped, then. . . Taken, then tortured and now. . . I find out all of this. . . And amid this chaos you still care about your fights. . . Have any of you ever wondered how these truths would affect me? Do you guys even care?"

Ram and Durga Prasad swallowed their spits with guilt piercing through their hearts and Sujata and Annapurna's eyes moisten. Kavita, Sameer, Sahil and Sheesh merely stare. Sanskaar's eyes moisten.

"It's not like that Swara. . . We do. . ."

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come to me and try telling me the truth? When we're you even planning to tell me?" She interrupted Rajveer, who closed his mouth and shook his head with his glassy eyes. "We. . ."

"Enough!" She screamed, "enough. I don't want anything from any of you. I only have one request left, that is for all of you to just leave me alone! I'm sick and tired of everything, I need time to heal, I need time to. . . Recover from all of this. . . It won't be easy, so please don't expect anything from me. Don't try to contact me, I will come to speak once I'm ready. But for now, just leave me alone!"

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