24 - His Concern

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Chapter 24: His Concern

Shekhar, Jayant and the men were dragged by the police. While Nayonika was being arrested by the female constable who showed up to the site.

Sameer looked down, feeling bad for his mother yet so angry and frustrated that her arrest wasn't a shock for him. He knew, one day Shekhar had to be arrested and so did his mother, no matter how silent she stayed.

"Thank you." Sheesh thanked the senior officer, who merely nodded at him. "Please come to the police station tomorrow to have your statements recorded." Sheesh nods and the officer glanced at everyone there, "everyone please. . ." They nod at the officer who starts to head towards the exit.

"Where's Swara?" Kavita asked while glancing around, confused yet worried.

Sameer, Sheesh and Sahil glance around too, unable to find her.

"And Sanskaar, he's also not here." Sujata noticed and spoke, grabbing their attention.

"Did the two already leave?" Sahil wondered and creased his forehead, "without us and just the two together?" He sounded even more confused and in disbelief.

"Try calling them." Sheesh suggested and Sameer took his phone out, dialling her number.

"It's switched off." He instantly uttered after tapping call button, only to hear nothing but a lady about to say that the phone is switched off.

"I'll try calling him. . ." Sahil offered and took his phone out, unlocking it to call Sanskaar.


She was walking down the dark lonely path with him following her from a distance. She was broken and he was worried for her. Her mind was occupied with the revelation and tears continued seeping down, her whole life had turned upside down. From her existence to who she is now was merely a lie, in her eyes.

'That's why he never loved me and treated me right.' Was the thought barging in between her thoughts and she couldn't help but cry while walking.

He swallowed, hearing her cries and watched her walk towards the main road, his eyes moved to the side and he watched a car approaching her. Noticing she hasn't realised, he ran as fast as he could and held onto her arm, pulling her towards him as the car whizzed pass.

"Swara. . ." He stopped after she continued crying, closing her eyes while loosing control over her emotions.

She couldn't even be bothered anymore, she couldn't stop something that was hurting her more than she ever felt.

"Why. . . Why me?" She clenched onto his shirt while falling onto the ground and he sits on his knees along with her.

"What should I do?" She sobbed and slowly opened her watery eyes, "m. . . My whole life was a. . . LIE!"

He caressed her hair and she continued to cry. Her emotions were scattered all over the place and all that she could hear in her mind was Shekhar's confession.

He exhaled and closed his eyes, sensing a tinge of fire inside his heart and remained clueless to why he was feeling so much pain hearing her cry.

He let her be, letting her lean on his chest and cry her heart out. He wanted to console and calm her down but wasn't sure what to say or what to do. He isn't intending to hurt her by his words. 

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