0 3 - Party

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Chapter 3: Party

"How long Swara?" Kavita yells as she places her hand on the washroom door.

"Give me a minute." Swara replies from inside.

Kavita sighs, taking her steps backwards and impatiently stared at the door. Waiting for Swara to walk out in the dress chosen by her. The door unbolts and swings open and Swara walks out in discomfort while pulling the dress down each time she took a step forward.

"Wow Swara! You're looking very pretty!" Kavita exclaims a compliment while Swara gazes at her.

"This is too much Kavita. I probably look like a joker and you're just saying I look pretty just to keep my heart. How do you girls even manage to roam around in this?"

Kavita walks forward, grabbing Swara's hand and pulling her towards the mirror, eventually turning her. "See how stunning you look. Trust me Swara, the girls are gunna burn and the boys are gunna be flat! On ground." Kavita truthfully chirps, excited to take Swara with her.

But Swara being Swara didn't believe a thing Kavita spilled out from her mouth, she believes Kavita is just saying this to make her feel less awkward.

I know you all are dying to see her, fine, here's her party look:

________________I know you all are dying to see her, fine, here's her party look:

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"No Kavita. . . I can't wear this. Please. It's too uncomfortable."

"Swara. . ." Kavita trials off, turning Swara towards her. "You look amazing! Now come, lets go." She continues, hurrying before Swara could change her mind.

"But. . "

"Swara, you worry too much. Where's that cool, bold and fearless Swara?" Kavita asks and Swara curves a frown, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Kavita. I want to change." Kavita sighs. "No time for that. We're already late. Come." Kavita hurries Swara and grabs her hand. Swara lets a sigh out from her mouth as Kavita began to drag her outside the room.


"You're looking dashing Sanskaar." Sahil compliments and Sanskaar smiles proudly.

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