07 - The Slap

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Chapter 7: The Slap

Kavita marched towards Sheesh and Sahil and Swara folded her arm across her chest, keen to know what action Sanskaar would take right now to stop Kavita.

Kavita snatches the phone away from them and their gazes move with it, they blink at a fuming Kavita. 

"How dare you!" Sahil and Sheesh scrunch their eyebrows at Kavita, who starts to lash out at them.

Sanskaar crossed his fingers in nervousness, hoping they wouldn't say his name after Kavita confronts them.

"What do you mean?" Sahil asked, standing up while Sheesh stares at Sanskaar who was stood behind her.

"Do not 'what do you mean' me! Do you understand. I know it was you two who pulled that prank and did this cheap act with Swara! Don't you two have any shame? Why the hell did you do that?" Kavita yelled, silencing the whole canteen as few faces divert their gazes towards them.

"What are you saying? What proof. . ." Before Sahil could complete, Kavita interrupted. "Don't play that bullshit with me Sahil, okay! I've got proof and Arun is the proof!" Kavita exclaims fiercely as Sahil and Sheesh stare at Arun.

"What is he on about? When did he see us?" Sheesh blurts out and Sanskaar clenches his fist, frustrated as Kavita scoffed at their stupidity.

"And there you go, admitting it was you! Why the hell did you do this? Haan?!" She angrily questioned, grabbing Sheesh's collar.

Sheesh stares at Sanskaar, shocked to see him not reacting in his defence at all.

"Sanskaar. . ."

"How can you two do this? You two literally made me feel ashamed!" Sanskaar disgustedly interrupts, shocking Sahil and Sheesh.

Swara shakes her head in disbelief, disgusted to see how Sanskaar turned his back on his friends who supported him in every phase of his life.

"Why? You weren't ashamed while doing this then why are you quiet? I want to know why you did this to Swara!" Kavita shouts, angrily inching towards Sheesh to slap him but before she could, Sanskaar holds her hand.

Kavita turns her head to the side, staring at Sanskaar. "Why are you wasting your time and energy on them? They don't deserve it! After this cheap act, you shouldn't even be anywhere near them."

Sheesh and Sahil swallow, startled to see him turning his back on them.

"You're right Sanskaar. The principal will punish them." Kavita utters, letting go of Sheesh's collar "And I will make sure cheap people like them get suspended from the college." She adds, dusting her hand and turning around, staring at everyone gazing at her.

"The video of Swara was Sheesh and Sahil's prank. Swara is innocent." Kavita declared before walking away.

Sanskaar turns towards Sheesh and Sahil, who now stare at him angrily and instead of talking to them to solve this issue out, he walked away in the direction Kavita went to stop her from reporting Sheesh and Sahil to the principal.

Sheesh and Sahil shake their heads in disgust and Sheesh notices Arun turning and headed to him.

"Why did you do this?" Sheesh asked, stopping Arun as he stopped in front of him in the nick of time.

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