34 - Graduation Day

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Chapter 34: Graduation Day

She was stood clenching her fist, uncomfortable with his hug yet feeling an unfamiliar weirdness in her heart. She was still startled by his hug, shrugging a little for him to let go. He broke the hug and stared at Swara, feeling slightly awkward. "Sorry, I got a little overwhelmed. . ." He trailed off and cleared his throat. "Thank you for seriously forgiving me Swara." He added and she lowered her gazes, awkward around him too.

"We should go." She managed to utter and avoided eye contact. He nodded his head agreeing to leave.

She walked towards the door and he followed, embarrassed by his actions yet so glad that she finally forgave him.

While walking, her phone buzzed and she slid it out of her pockets, glancing down at the text message. She immediately stopped and unlocked her phone, tapping to view the full message. Her heart skipped a beat and Sanskaar stood next to her confused to why she had stopped.

"It's negative." She spoke, sounding so disappointed and Sanskaar creased his forehead, "what's negative?"

"The DNA test, all of them came back negative." She replied and looked at him, he was surprised to hear that none of the samples they submitted matched her DNA.

Despite knowing that there were chances all of them would come back negative, she still had small hope for something positive but her hope has now shattered. Now the possibility of Swara finding her real identity and family was beyond low, there was no other way she could think of.

"Don't be sad Swara. I'm sure there will be another way we could find out. . ."

"There's no other way now Sanskaar. This is all we had. . . How else am I supposed to find out?" She asked, giving up and releasing a sigh. "Why am I so unlucky?"

"Don't think like that." He responded, "maybe Shekhar would know who he took you away from. . . We could ask him."

"He wouldn't tell me even if he knew, cause why should I get it so easily? He would want me to suffer."

"Why does he hate you so much?"

Swara shrugged, "I don't know what I ever did to him for him to hate me."

"That's it!" Sanskaar exclaimed after getting an idea, startling Swara with his loud tone. She looked at him confusingly and he faced her. "What if the reason why he hates you is related to your parents? What if he hated your parents so much and took it out on you? We could go through his enemy lists and see. . ."

Swara was in deep thought after that, thinking about this option. Finding nothing wrong with what he said, as it would make sense why he treated her so bad, she nodded her head "you're right. Maybe the hatred he had for my parents was vented out on me." She thought again and sighed, "but the list we got from the hospital. . . I don't think any of them must've met him." It was the list, that was confusing her.


Ragini was walking around the college, feeling bored while the student that was helping her out was giving her a full history of the college.

"The corner over there is where the music department starts."

"I think the main routes I need to actually remember that are relevant to me are, the canteen and the fashion department. I'm sure I wouldn't be walking around the whole college in my spare time. . ." She uttered sassily while blinking at the student, who nervously chuckled. "Sorry. . . I was told to give you a tour around the college so I thought it meant the whole college, I didn't know which department you wanted to see."

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