23 - The Secret

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Chapter 23: The Secret

Shekhar raised his gazes towards the confused men, spotting one of them charging towards him. "I'll pay you the double for what he was paying, silently stand in line." He halted his steps hearing Shekhar, turning towards his team who shake their heads positively.

"Shekhar!" He turned his face towards Nayonika who stormed towards him, "how can you be so insensitive?"

"He challenged me." Shekhar bluntly replied, with no regret or guilt, "I had to show him his place."

"I told you to stop this marriage, not to kill him!"

"He's not dead Nayonika. Though I wish he was, I can't murder this shit!" He uttered with annoyance and stepped on Jayant's back, pressing his weight down on purpose to squish him.

Nayonika shook her head negatively and held Shekhar's hand, pulling him off Jayant. "Enough is enough Shekhar! Be serious and practical!"

"I already did what you said, I stopped this marriage and saved your dear Swara, now what else do you want me to do!" He exclaimed, lashing back at her, "you threatened me, and I still did it for you! Not because I was threatened but because I love you. . . The same love, which you don't value this anymore."

She scoffed, feeling offended and wiped her tears, "I loved you with all my heart and I still do, but you cared about the property more than me and Sameer!"

"This property was and is for us. I did everything so that me, you and Sameer could stay happy!"

The men, Swara, Sanskaar, Sheesh, Sahil, Kavita and Sameer stood watching the two couple argue while Sujata decided to speak in between.

"You're so selfish and so evil!" Shekhar and Nayonika turn their heads to the side while Sujata freed herself from Sanskaar's hold, inching forward to face Nayonika and Shekhar.

"Mom. . ."

"I've never met a selfish, cunning, heartless murder like you!" Sujata added, shaking her head in disappointment. "All you've ever done is torture Swara! What did she do to deserve this? Why is it so hard for you to treat her like your daughter and give her the love she deserves?"

"You stay out of it!" Shekhar argued, making faces while staring at Sujata. "This is our family matter and you have no rights to speak in between!"

"You disgust me!" Sujata continued, ignoring Shekhar's words, "you killed your own wife for the property and sold your own daughter, your own flesh to someone for money! How much more greedy could you get?"

Tears slide down Swara's eyes and she wiped them, lowering her eyes while hearing the arguments. It hurt her even though Sujata was telling the truth.

"Oh please." He replied, "I already stopped this marriage, now she's free, she can be happy, what else does she need!" He added heartlessly, sounding annoyed, "besides, what's it to you? I can do whatever I want! She's my daughter."

"No!" Nayonika shouted, having enough as she wiped her tears, staring at Shekhar, "you can't do whatever you want!"

"Not you know." He sighed, rolling his eyes and Nayonika nodded, inhaling a deep breath while making a decision in her mind.

"She is not your daughter!" Nayonika added loudly, confusing everyone and Swara lifted her eyes, focusing on Nayonika.

Shekhar looked at her and then held her arm, "Nayonika. . ." He paused for a bit, "what are you saying?"

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