chapter 23.

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An:I'm so sorry about the late update,I had a bit of a problem with the book. Well long story short the book is back bigger and better.

It's been about a week since the incident aka the kiss and the twins are staying with us so I'm not bored  as I used to be and feel better now. I'm now in the kitchen and then I feel the presence of someone behind me . "Hey babe ,what are you doing?" he asked. "Nothing really just cooking" I replied trying to carry on with what I was doing. "But I told you not to cook or do any sort of work again."he said "but I'm bored and I'm no longer sick." I said "yea,yea where are the twins ?"he asked now nuzzling his shoulder on my neck with his hand on my waist. "We're right here."Feenah said "also please yaya I think you should stop now before it gets out of hand" Feesah said making me quickly hide my face on Shahids chest. "Dan Allah leave my wife, you're making her uncomfortable." Shahid said making them all laugh. "Sannu masu wife,mu feenah bari mu fara Nemo mazan aure koh "feesah said while feenah just giggled "you're not going to get married anytime soon so don't even think about it."shahid said with a stern face and I think I was the only one who noticed the fact that he was joking. "Haba Shahid stop being strict with them." I said earning a peck from Shahid making me blush while trying to hide my face from them. "Feenah please let's get our food and go before we see what we aren't meant to see."feesah said winking at me while feenah wiggled her eyebrows at me as they fetched some of the food I cooked and went to their room. I and shahid sat down on the dining table eating while we gisted about our day so far. As we finished I went to my room to  shower while shahid went to our room to shower. I was done and I put on a wine coloured mini skirt and a dark blue sleeveless shirt and went to our room I entered without knocking and saw a shirtless Shahid wearing only shorts I tried to quickly shut the door and he was too fast. He dragged me by my arm and shut the door behind him. "hey pretty lady"he said eyeing me  up and down and all I could do was look at his abs. I couldn't help but trace the lines made by them. I then looked up to see Shahid looking at  me,before I could speak he captured my lips and took  me into a dream land a dream land in which all I could see was Shahid. It was a very slow and heated kiss and just as it started becoming rough a phone rang earning a groan  from Shahid making me laugh. "Who's is?" I asked arranging my hair into a bun "the twins" he said as I slowly rolled off him. He stood up going towards the door "Shahid......." I called out to him., "hmmmm" he replied turning back to look at me "shirt" I said throwing his shirt at him earning a glare and a chuckle. "Also please tell them to get me chocolates if they're going out." I said with my best puppy dog eyes. "You're such a baby" shahid said laughing "you're my baby" he said making me blush. He turned leaving me with my phone in my hand scrolling through Instagram.

Shahid's POV
"May I know exactly why you called me disturbing the peace of me and my wife?" I asked glaring at them making them giggle then they stopped seeing my serious face. "We just wanted to tell you we're going out so could we borrow your car?" They asked trying to act cute. "No." I said turning to head back upstairs. "Please we just want to go to the mall and we'll be back and we won't waste time at all" they said "under one condition" I said smirking "what's the condition?"they asked eagerly. "Buy Jadwa as much chocolates and cookies as you can well except snickers." I said "may I add the fact that you're using your money and you have to buy a lot" I added smirking. Not that I don't have the money or anything,just that I wasn't then to pay for disturbing my peaceful time with my wife. "Fine,thank you" they said leaving the house while I lock the door behind them. I proceeded back to our room to see Jadwa asleep and she looked so cute,just like a baby. My baby. I quickly peck her lips and drifted off too sleep to.

An hour later

"Dinner is ready" Jadwa said waking me up and I proceeded with them to the dining room. "Feesah and Feenah you're going back to your house" I said "haba yaya" Feesah whined "we'll go and see mummy and daddy then drop you off before going to see mamy and abba" I said "why though?" Jadwa asked. "Well because I am tired of seeing them in my house and I have to feed five people"I said smirking "five people? We're only four" Jadwa said looking confused "I know babe but you're eating for two people so......" I said smirking.

Jadwa's POV
"Oh my God!!! You're pregnant?" Feesah asked jumping on her chair "no I'm not" I said trying to suppress my blush. I don't even know why I'm blushing I'm supposed to be angry. Stupid Jadwa paradox. I stood up leaving them all laughing at how much I was blushing. I went to the kitchen and got myself some Oreo ice cream and a piece of red velvet cake then proceeded to the dining room to get a fork and a spoon. "See what I'm talking about,only pregnant women eat this much." Shahid said earning a glare from me while the twins just continued laughing. I went to the room and kept my food in the fridge then proceeded to shower. I came out of the shower and wore a grey shorts and one of shahid's shirt. I was watching switched on my laptop while eating my cake and ice cream with some of the foxes, dairy milk, malteser and skittles the twins got for me. Then shahid entered the room I knew it was him so I didn't bother looking at him but I could feel his eyes on me. "Babe..." he said sitting on the bed. He took a pack of skittles and to be honest if I wasn't trying to give him a silent treatment I'll be jumping on him by now. "Babe I'm sorry okay." I kept on ignoring him and he got tired and went to take a shower and I used that opportunity to take my dishes away and I laid down to sleep but.............

An: Hppy new year. I hope we enjoy this year and I hope it'll be productive. hey beautiful readers how are y'all doing? Did you miss me coz I missed y'all alot. I'm sorry for late update once again. Please vote,comment and share. Thanks for being patient with me and just as I said there is more drama now so buckle your seat belts and stay tuned.
Sahlt cares🦋
Stay healthy🌚
Stay safe🥰

1253 words in total

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